Chapter 1: Sarah

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"We are such boring people!" I told my friends. "We are literally sitting here and staring at clouds!"

"What are you talking about? We're not boring," Sophie said. She's my twin sister, but also like the exact opposite of me.

"We should go do something fun!" I exclaimed, while standing up.

"But this is so relaxing," Liana sighed. She's such a happy, innocent soul. She's a year younger than all of us, and we're all really protective of her.

"Liana's right," said Ryan. He obviously had a thing for Liana. It's been that way since she moved here, but he doesn't have the guts to ask her out.

"I agree with you, Sarah. We should do something fun. Clouds are boring," Charlie said, standing up. He is the nicest, and most beautiful guy I have ever seen. Although, he's not very good with emotions and stuff. This was my clique. Sophie, Liana, Ryan, Charlie, and me. We spent most of our time together. We are all in eleventh grade (Liana skipped a grade). Spring break is coming up and I want to actually have fun.

"This isn't going to be a regular old spring break like it always is. This year, we're going to do something fun," I demanded.

"That sound like the beginning of a horrible movie," Sophie said, crossing her arms. She is always so negative.

"What do you have in mind?" Charlie asked.

"Why don't we go on a road trip. Or explore," Liana offered.

"Yeah, that sounds fun," Ryan agreed.

"A road trip does sound fun," Sophie admitted.

"Then let's do it! On Saturday, we are going to get into a car, and just drive!" I was so excited.

"Oh, and we are taking my car," Charlie demanded.

"Where are we going? I should probably tell my mom," Liana asked.

"My grandma has a beach house that she rents out sometimes. It's empty right now, and will be over spring break, so we can go there," Ryan suggested.

"The beach is like three hours away. Perfect!" I exclaimed. Then my phone buzzed. "It's mom. We gotta go."

"Ok, see you at school tomorrow!" Charlie said. Sophie and I walked home. As soon as we walked in, Sophie ran to her room. She left me to ask our mom.

"Hey, mom! How are you? Would you like me to clean the house for you?" I picked up the broom.

"Oh! Honey! How sweet!" she said, super sarcastically. "What do you want?"

"Can my friends and I go on a road trip to the beach? Ryan's grandma has a beach house," I pleaded.

"Um, absolutely not! I don't want a ton of 17 year olds driving around!"

"Please! We won't do anything bad, I promise."

"You're not even 18!"

"Please! We have each other. We'll be ok."

"Fine. But let me tell you, when you and Sophie come back, you girls are going to have to do a lot to make it up."

"Yes! Thanks, mom!"

"Oh, and you need an adult to go with you."

"What! Come on!"

"Well, I guess you're not going."

"Wait! What about Ria?" Ria is Liana's older sister.

"Fine." My mom walked away. I went upstairs and told Sophie. She seemed happy, but I don't think she was as excited as I was. Then, I texted Liana and asked if her sister could come. She told me that her mom said the same thing and Ria will come. I texted everyone else and they were all coming. Plan Spring Break Road Trip was a go.

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