Chapter 11: Liana

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I had to have knocked on the door like fifty times. I got his text. I think he was trying to type Trixie. He wasn't responding so I went to Sarah and Sophie's house. Their mom responded, but neither one was home. She seemed really mad so I left. I tried calling them on the way home but they weren't answering. Next person is Ryan. I ran to his house. I knocked on his door. His mom answered. I saw Ryan lying on the couch. He looked like he'd gotten into a fight. At least he wasn't gone. I decided to leave him with his mom and go home. I sat down on my bed. Where did everyone go? I looked in the mirror. My eyes went to the choker, still stuck around my neck. I tried to pull it off. I took the scissors off my dresser and started cutting it. I cut it over and over and over, but it didn't work. I gave up and collapsed on my bed. I have a feeling my missing friends have something to do with Leo. I feel terrible. My friends are so sweet and so nice. They don't deserve to have this happen to them. I don't know what he's doing, but, worst case scenario my friends could die because of me. I started welling up. I'm sure I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. I'll try to do something tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of my mom knocking on my door. She slowly opened the door.

"Honey? Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, sitting up.

"You've never slept past 3."

"What?!" I turned to look at my clock. 3:12. I jumped up.

"Calm down. You might just be sick or something."

"No it's not that!" I needed to go check and see if my friends were back. I ran to the shower and got ready the fastest I've ever done. I ran down the stairs. "Bye, m-mom?! Be back soon! Love you!" I said, quickly. I ran to the door and opened it. I almost ran head first into Ryan.

"Woah! Slow down!"

"Ryan!" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

"Well, at least you're alive. Do you know where Charlie is?"

"Wait, what?"

"Well, I went to Charlie's house and no one was there."

"Come on!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him into my garage. I got my bike and we rode to Sarah and Sophie's house. I knocked on the door. Her mom answered. She looked like she had been crying.

"Hello, Liana. Hello, Ryan," she said. She was definitely crying.

"Hi, Mrs. García. Are Sarah and Sophie home?" I asked.

"No, have you seen them recently?" she asked. She seemed like she was holding back tears.

"No," I said, looking down.

"What about Charlie?" Ryan asked. Then Charlie's mom came into view. She had tears streaming down her face. She held up Charlie's phone. It was shattered and had a little blood on it. Then I remembered the text. I pulled out my phone and found it. I showed it to her. She started crying even more. Mrs. García took her to the car. I think they went to the police station.

"What do we do?" Ryan asked.

"Keep you safe. You're next," I said.

"So, I have to hid in a closet for the rest of my life."


"Then where?"

"Maybe the park. It's nearby."

"What? Why?"

"It's public." We biked to the park. It had a few kids running around. We sat on a bench.

"What do you think happened to them?" he asked.

"Isn't it obvious? By the way, do you know how to pick locks?"

"No, and what do you mean it's obvious. It could be a serial killer, or a kidnapper."

"Or a evil pixie."

"Oh. I thought we left her behind at the beach house that we are never going to ever again."

"I'm starting to think she followed us."

"Yeah, she probably did that."

"If they take you, don't do anything for them. I'll figure it out."

"They won't. Don't worry." I turned to him. In my haste, I didn't really look at him.

"What happened to you?"


"You have a black eye."

"Oh. Um, I got into a fight."


"It's really not a big deal. I fought him before."



"You mean Kian? Like Kian Kian?"

"What other Kian would I be talking about?"

"How did you get into a fight with Kian? And what do you mean you fought him before?"

"It was before you moved here."


"Don't worry about it." I stared at him, but he gave me a reassuring look. We sat there for a while. We were just talking. Eventually, we got hungry, so we went home. Ryan's mom invited me in for dinner. We ate and then went back outside. The day was flying by and nothing happened. But, I spoke too soon. Ryan started walking around to the side of his house. I followed him. His eyes were wide. Then he just stopped walking. He looked confused. Then I realized what was happening.

"Run!" I yelled. We tried running back to the front of the house. But something got in our way. Well, more like someone.

"Don't bother running," she said, laughing. We ran back the other way, but she flew in front of us. We were stuck.

"GO AWAY, TRIXIE!" I yelled louder than I ever have.

"Her real name is Trix," Ryan said quietly. She flew up to his face and grabbed his shirt.

"How did you know that?" she demanded. Ryan pressed his lips together.

"Leave him alone!" I said, trying to swat her away.

"Oh girly," she said, laughing, "you don't have to worry. I'm only here for him. You don't have to worry until tomorrow. Or maybe tonight." She turned back to Ryan. They started to glow. I pulled her off of him and tossed her to the side. Then, we ran to the front of the house again. Unfortunately, Ryan stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes went wide again. He turned around and walked back towards Trix. I tried to hold him back. She flew up to us. She pushed me aside with her magic and held on to Ryan's shirt again. He stopped moving and his eyes went back to normal. He looked around confused. Then they started to glow. He looked at me as I tried to run back over to them. Trix turned to me and waved her free hand. "Bye!" They disappeared in a glowing ball of light.

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