Chapter 8: Sophie

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I woke up this morning really late. I looked at the other bed, and Sarah was gone. I texted her and she told me where she was. I told her I would be there soon. I went downstairs to the kitchen. My mom standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. I immediately turned around and tried to walk away.

"Stop right there." I turned back around.

"Hi, mom! How are you this fine morning?" I said in a fake, cheery voice.

"Don't play those games with me." Ok, the fact that she didn't play along means she's really mad.

"Uh..." She stepped aside. The entire kitchen was destroyed. There were broken dishes everywhere. The cabinets were all hanging open. The trash can and recycling bin were tipped over and all the contents were spilled everywhere. I didn't do this, obviously, but that's not what my mom thinks. That might have something to do with my bad track record, but I'm not going to talk about that. "Oh no!"

"Oh no!" she mocked.

"Mom, I swear I didn't do this."

"Who else could have done it? I woke up this morning and said goodbye to Sarah. Then I went to the bathroom. As soon as I come out, this is what I see. Then you come walking down the stairs. Now tell me, who else could it be."

"I don't know, maybe there was a robber or something."

"I was gone for like five or ten minutes."

"I didn't do it. Why would I ever do something like this?" She glared at me one more time, then left me to clean it up. I decided not to complain, even though it wasn't me. I started by picking up the trash and recycling. Then I moved to the dishes. I was so into it, I didn't even notice the hundreds of little cuts I was getting on my hands. As soon as I saw the blood dripping, I raced to the bathroom and didn't look behind me. My mistake.

"Sophie!!!" I heard my mom yelling from the living room. I raced out of the bathroom, my hands half wrapped in bandages. My mom's face was filled with so much anger. I looked around her and saw the mess. The blinds were tangled and on the floor. The sofas were on their sides as if someone flipped them up. The rug was tossed over the television. The coffee table was turned upside down. The shelves were all lying on the floor, with their contents spilled everywhere. My mom was furious.

"I just went to the bathroom!" I said, holding up my hands.

"Oh, did you hurt yourself doing all of this?"

"No, I cut myself on the dishes!"

"I doubt you did anything in the kitchen. You must've spent all your time in here."

"No! I'll prove it to you." I led her to the kitchen and gestured inside. She looked around for a second and then looked back at me. She looked like she was going to start laughing so I was happy until I turned around. The kitchen was even messier than when I started cleaning it. How? I was gone for like five minutes. Then my mind went back to the robber. "Mom."

"What? You want to explain all of this?" She was talking hysterically like she was going crazy. She even had a crazy smile and everything.

"The robber is in the house." I picked up a shard of a plate and looked around as if I would actually stab a robber with a plate. Hey, this kind of reminds me of Liana. Wait, hold on. I looked at the clock. I'm supposed to be there by now. Oh well, I'm sure they're fine.

"A robber? Oh yes, a robber. Yes, there is definitely a robber. Come out! Come out, robber! Where are you?" My mom started calling out to the robber in a very sarcastic, crazy voice. Then she turned and glared at me. "Sophie, you are going to stay here and clean up this whole mess." Then she walked away. I looked around in every space that a robber could hide. There was nothing there. But no, that's impossible. I didn't do this. There's no way my mom would do this. So who? I decided to set up a spy cam. Don't ask why I have a spy cam. I put two upstairs and three downstairs since I didn't have very many. Don't ask where they went. Then I went and cleaned up the kitchen, again. Then I went to the living room. It was a lot easier since nothing was broken. Then I went back to the kitchen to check and see if anything was ruined. Everything was fine. I decided to leave the spy cam in case anything happened. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff. I opened the medicine cabinet. What I saw was totally unexpected.

"Miss me?" Trixie said, waving her little wand. I tried to slam it shut, but she did some kind of spell that made it impossible. I resorted to another thing I could do. Run. I bolted out the door and ran downstairs. The living room was totally messed up again, but I didn't really pay attention to that. I ran to the door. It was locked, which I don't really understand. Last time I checked, this door locked from the inside. Somehow, because I'm stupid, I decided to try to break through the window. Trixie was laughing at me. I probably would've done the same thing. When I gave up, I turned back around. Trixie flew right up to my face. "You're coming with me."


I'm not exactly sure what just happened. One minute, I was standing in my house. The next minute, Trixie grabs my shirt and then I'm in a chair. There wasn't even fire, like what Sarah told me happened to Liana. Then there is some guy in my face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't need to know," he said. He looked like a vampire from one of those stupid movies that Sarah watches.

"Well, I want to know, so tell me."

"This one is a lot more chatty," he yelled to someone.

"What?" I tried to cross my arms, but they were tied down.

"Why did you even bring her?" he yelled again.

"Don't you see? She will come after her friend," said Trixie as she came into sight.

"Good thinking," the guy said and looked back at me.

"Hello? I'm literally sitting right here!" I said.

"Shut up, human," he said, looking back over at Trixie.

"Excuse me?" I'm offended. Then he stared at me. Except his eyes changed. Now they were orange. Is that even possible? Then suddenly, it felt like he was reaching inside my brain and looking through my memories. It was the weirdest sensation I've ever felt. Then the sensation stopped and his eyes went back to normal. Actually, I don't think normal is the right word. His eyes are white. Like plain white. Not even like grey or blue. They are white.

"Water! Fill it with water!" he yelled to Trixie. Wait, hold on. Did he just...? I thought he was like punishing me for talking back to him. Then the things holding my hands down disintegrated as Trixie flew away. I didn't realize what my hand was doing until it happened. I just slapped him in the face. "Looks like your stronger than your friend." Then his eyes turned blue and he made eye contact with me. I tried to look away because I didn't want him looking into my brain again. Unfortunately, I couldn't. Then I realized something. When Liana was trying to attack that one dude, she said something about his eyes being blue and it doing something. Is this the guy? What was his name? Liam? No. Luke? No. Logan? No. Lee? No. Leo? Yeah. Leo. I was about to say something, when all of a sudden, I realized I was in a different room. This room was a whole lot bigger. In fact, it was huge. I also wasn't sitting. I was standing while he pushed me into this cage thing.

"Leo! Cut it out!" That took him by surprise, which quickly turned into anger. He grabbed my throat and pulled me in real close.

"How did you know my name? Did she tell you?" Somehow, even though he could kill me right then and there, the sassy version of me came out to party.

"No, I'm just way smarter than you think," I said, glaring at him. He squeezed my throat harder and then threw me into a cage thing without a top. The walls were completely transparent, so I could still see what was happening. Actually, now that I was in it and he closed the door, it looked like there was no cage at all. Then the cage was lifted into the air, carrying me along with it. Leo stepped backward, as the floor opened. This is just too much like a stereotypical girly movie for my taste. The only thing I need now is for my Prince Charming to come and save me. I looked down and saw my worst fear. Water. Tons of it. I wanted to jump right out of there and hightail it out of here. I freaked out for a moment, but then I realized that Leo was laughing at me. I calmed myself down a little. You know what, water can't hurt me. I'm just afraid of it. There's nothing it can do to me. So, being the sassy little girl I was, I decided to yell at Leo.

"Hey, buddy! Water can't hurt me. So ha!" I sound like such a little brat right now. Leo started laughing even more.

"No, it can't...if you can swim." He grinned and walked away. He's right. I can't swim. How did he know that? Oh no! I looked down at the water. You know what. If I have to go into the water, I'll just spread out my arms and legs and float to safety. I've seen people do it all the time. But no. I couldn't even tell anyone. So why do I think I could? Ugh, could this day get any worse?

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