Chapter 3: Sophie and Ryan

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“There's three rooms. Each one has two beds.” Ryan said. Everyone just naturally went to a room. Ria and Liana, Charlie and Ryan, Sarah and me. I left and went back outside. I walked around the the back. There was a deck. I sat on it and looked out at the beach. The whole ride I was scared to come here. I almost cried. I have a really bad fear of water. The last time I went swimming, I almost drowned. I tripped and fell into the water. No one noticed. They thought I just jumped in. They waited for me to come back to the surface. After a minute, or what felt like forever, one of the parents came and pulled me out of the water. I felt like I was under a huge, heavy blanket that was pressing all the air out of me and I couldn't escape. My mouth filled with water when I tried to scream. After that I pretended I was fine. I didn't go back in the water and since then I haven't gone near a swimming pool. I haven't told anyone, not even Sarah. Well, I told one person, but they’re out of my life forever. And I know exactly what other people are going to try to do. I felt someone sit next to me.

“Sophie?” I turned around. It's Liana.


“Can I ask you something?”


“You seemed pretty sad on the way here. Is everything ok?” Oh no! Why does she have to be so caring?

“I'm fine.”

“You know you can tell me anything.” I turned to look at her. She looked genuinely concerned. I'm going to have to tell someone. Liana's great at keeping secrets. Why not start with her?

“Um, please don't tell anyone.”

“I won't, I promise.”

“I…umm…I'm.” I can't do it. I can't tell her. I can't tell anyone. I got up and ran back inside. Everyone was walking from the car to the house, unpacking everything. I went back to the car and grabbed my duffel bag. I tried to walk back to the house as fast as possible. Liana stepped in front of me.

“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But when you tell someone, it makes it better.” Then she walked off. I walked into the house and into my room. I sat down on my bed. She's right. I need to tell someone. Why am I being such a chicken? It's not even a big deal.


We all finished unpacking and getting settled. We didn't feel like going out to eat so we ordered some pizza for lunch.

“Hey, we should go to the beach later,” Ryan suggested. You know what, the beach is fine. I'll just build a sandcastle and make sure the towels stay dry.

“Yeah, let's do it. We can also go on the boat rides!” Sarah, no, please, no. I looked down at my pizza. I lost my appetite. Boats are worse.

“Um, I have to go to the bathroom.” I got up and almost ran. I locked the door and immediately collapsed onto the floor. I don't even care how dirty it is. I should have told Liana while I had the chance. It's too late now. I stood up and looked into the mirror. I'm a mess. I checked my watch. I better leave before anyone gets suspicious. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands in case anyone could hear me. I walked back to the table and sat down.

“We decided to go to a show instead. There's a really cool one like ten minutes away,” Sarah said.

“Wait, really?”

“Yeah, is that ok?”

“That's great! I loves shows! What show is it?”

“You're really excited,” Charlie chuckled.

“Yeah. Good call, Liana!” Sarah said. I looked over at Liana. At first, I thought she was sad. But then I realized she was studying me. We locked eyes. She smiled at me. She knows. She figured it out. I was way too obvious. But I'm happy. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

“While you guys are at your stupid show or whatever, I'm going to the beach. There might be a cute, surfer dude,” Ria declared getting up.

“You are so predictable,” Charlie teased.

“You are my least favorite,” Ria said walking away. We all laughed.


We went to a talent, stunt type show. It was so cool. I thought for sure the last guy was going to die. Afterwards, we went to dinner. The food was great. We got home at like 9 pm. Ria was nowhere to be seen. We decided to chill and watch a movie. Although, we mostly just talked, so the movie was just background sound. It got pretty late. Liana fell asleep on my shoulder. It made me happy. I've wanted to ask her out for so long. But I don't know if she feels the same way. And if she doesn't, it might ruin our friendship. Eventually, Ria came home.

“I'm surprised you guys haven't gone to bed yet,” she said.

“We were waiting for you,” Sophie said.

“Well, you didn't have to. Anyway, guess who met the cutest guy!”

“Hmm, I wonder who?” Charlie said, super sarcastically.

“I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. Anyway, he's great. And single. I got his number and we're going out tomorrow. So, none of you are allowed to talk to me tomorrow. Got it?”

“Yeah,” I said. We all decided to go to bed. I didn't want to wake up Liana. She once told me that if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she won't be able to go back to sleep. I carefully carried her to her room and gently set her on her bed. Then I pulled the blanket up around her. As I walked out Ria was standing by the door.

“You would be a really good boyfriend.” I went to the light switches and turned off all the lights. Then I went to my room. I changed and slipped into my bed.

“Ria's right,” Charlie whispered.


“You would be a really good boyfriend.”

“Oh, um thanks.”

“And you and Liana would be a cute couple.”

“Um, what?” Wait a second. Does he know?

“It's so obvious. You like her.” He knows.


“Just admit it. It will make this a lot easier.”

“Make what easier?”

“I'm going to get you two together.”


“Yes, and it starts tomorrow.”

“Um, what are you going to do?”

“You'll see.” I could just imagine Charlie doing his evil grin. “Goodnight!”


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