Chapter 5: Sophie and Sarah

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Ria and her date locked us in my room. Then I'm assuming they left. We tried to open the door but something was blocking it.

"I guess we're stuck here," Liana said, sitting on Sarah's bed. I sat on my bed. "So where were you guys? We tried to find you," Liana asked.

"We were, we went back to the house. What about you and Ryan?"

"We went to the zip line. Actually, when we went in, I kissed him so we could get a discount."


"Yeah, the guy didn't believe we were a couple."

"Um, Liana, do you know tha-"

"That Ryan likes me?"

"Uh, yeah." I started laughing. I was just imagining his face when she kissed him. I would pay to see that. Liana laughed, too. After a while, we finally composed ourselves.

"So tell me, what's this about magic?"

"There is this door on the hidden side of the house and I ripped off the lock and inside I saw a little human so I slammed the door and it fell off its hinges so then the little human came out and said she's Trixie the pixie and then showed us her magical potions and as soon as she said time travel I remembered all the movies about this sort of thing and we ran."



"Well, I would say we should go and see what the others are doing with it, but we can't."

"Wait, the window." I ran over to the window and opened it. The deck was too far to the right and it was a two-story drop. "Nevermind. We're stuck."

"I'm hungry."

"I think I have some snacks I'm my bag." I walked over to it and pulled out two bags of chips. I tossed one over to Liana.

"By the way, are you going to prom with anyone?" I asked.

"No, why?" I gave her a look. "Oh."


"Um, I don't know, it depends on him."

"But like, theoretically, if he asks you, what will you say?"

"Um, well...." she trailed off.

"You would say no?"


"So you'd say yes?"


"Oh wow! You'd say yes!"

"Well, I mean he is really sweet."


"And he's super nice to me."

"You like him, don't you?"


"Yeah, sure."

"Ok, maybe a little." I got up and went back to the window.

"That's adorable."

"What are you doing?"

"I want to figure out how to get out of here."

"I don't think we can." I turned and looked around the room.

"There has to be a way."

"We could do what they do in the movies and tie a bunch of sheets together." I stuck my head back out the window.

"Sarah! Charlie! Ryan!" I yelled as loud as I could. Liana came and joined me. We screamed their names as loud as possible. Finally, we saw them running towards us. They looked up.

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