Winter wonderland 1/2

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Art by me. Do not copy. You know the rest.
Song: XM@$ - Corey Taylor.
It really captures Zero's overall opinion on snow.

Zero POV

We arrive at an island. A fucking winter island. Never before was I so happy to hide a ton of clothes with the help of my devils fruit so I don't freeze to death. I wear stockings, a pair of dark blue boots with heel, they have fur inside, a long, tight blue skirt with a slit held together by elastic bands on the side to allow me to fight well, a bright orange turtleneck, tight fitting around my body as well and a red scarf and a red beenie. Grumbling I step onto the deck, my chainsaw tightly in my hands. "Dafaq. Dafaq. Dafaq is in the air. Dafaq. There's white shit everywhere.", I sing-grumble. I hear a chuckle close to me and look at the masked guy. "Find my despair amusing, eh?" "Slightly." My eyes fix onto Captain Kids coat and my eyes narrow into a glare. How dare he.. "Do you have a problem, lady?", he asks me suddenly, now staring into my eyes. "Yes. I am jealous of your ability to not even wear that fucking coat and not be freezing. I'm wearing three layers and am still freezing. Give me your damned body heat!!", I tell him, burying my face in my scarf for more warmth. I flush as he bursts out laughing. "Come here, little lady." I hurry over to him, still shaking. "I hate winter. Fuck the snow. Fuck the cold. My ass is freezing. I am not drunk. Its too early for this shit. I don't even like christmas. I hate everything.", it mumble to myself when suddenly his coat is thrown around me and I am tucked against his warm body. "Fuck. You really are freezing woman." "I think I'm going to loose my toes because they are dead.", I admit. He chuckles. "I guess since you are a demon you don't really have snow in hell." I chuckle. "No. Its just.. My adoptive dad always had our home so cold there literally were icicles on our ceiling. He almost froze me to death once. When I was old enough I moved to a spring island. I hate the cold."
He pets my head. "Me too, girl. It makes the grease harden." I look at his mechanical arm and a wide smile creeps onto my face. This one is more obvious than my... "Can I touch it?", I ask and he nods. I place my finger against the metal and flinch back. "Shit that's cold. Hell nah. When we are inside I want to touch it." , I cuss rubbing my hands together to warm them up. "I have some things to buy in town." "Whatever they are I won't let go of you until we are somewhere warmer. You are like a walking heater.. Captain."


Kid blushes slightly, happy to know that nobody will notice since its really fucking cold. He feels the woman's chest pressed against his side and the way she looks up at him is almost too tempting to resist. "Do you need anything?" "I want to go to the tattoo parlor. If that's alright with you." That is hot. "What will you get?" "I have a already lined and partially colored tattoo of roses from my left shoulderblade over my ribs and down to my ankles. I'd like to have that finished. "Any other tattoos?" "A red dragon across my back and my dads jolly roger on my left breast." Kid almost chokes. "What..?!" "Yeah. Hurt like shit but that way no one would notice." He thinks about those words very hard until he looks down at her. "Are you a virgin?" "My dad would have killed everybody that stepped close enough to touch me. In the academy when I was training still he literally killed a poor guy that accidentally bumped into me and didn't apologize. I am not necessarily a virgin but when it comes to men.. Yes." "So you've had women?" "Yeah. Two to be exact. One when I was at the academy. One when I was in the world government." His hand on her wide hips grips her tighter. Thankfully its too cold for him to get a boner. "Well.. Let's see how long it'll last." "I literally have no weaknesses except family. And nobody has them in their hands. So.. I can relax and if somebody I don't like even tries to come close I'll gut them like a fish." Kid snorts. "Captain and... Zero?" The pirates stare at the two people wrapped in their captains coat. "I want his warmth. I'm fucking freezing. Go on. Don't be bothered by me.", she says, slowly sliding behind Kid, hugging him from behind. "What?", he barks. "The island is under protection of Whitebeard. We probably should..." "Don't play messy with his shit, boys and everything is well. Edward is a sweetheart when it comes to me. So you will be alright when you enter. But if you kill or harm someone and he sends my little brother I will turn on all of you. Blood is thicker than water." "You are close to being thrown into the ice water, woman.", Kid growls at her. "But I'm only being honest. Ace is my real baby. I took Aiknus punch for him. And I swore to myself, dad and mom that I would kill every person daring to harm him. Don't make me kill you. I like you guys." She rests her head against Kids back and he understands. "We'll go on land and stock up on food and rum. Pay for your shit. We can't have the Whitebeards, still pissed off about Fire fist, chasing after us. "Do we even have enough money?" Zero slides back to the side of Kid. "I can borrow you some of my money. Better pay it back though or I'll steal it." "How much?" "Since I need some of it.. 500 million Beli." They all almost drop to the floor. "How?" "Well.. I killed some idiot that was going on my nerves and his crew. Turns out together they had a bounty this high and I thought that some cash money wouldn't harm so I took their heads and brought them to the marines and was payed. And since usually I am using my earned pension money or my dads money I still have the full sumn plus what I earned." They blink and them slowly nod. "That's a total of..." "About as much as you'd get for bringing them Edward. Beli." They now really all drop to the ground. "You are richer than this entire crew together.", they shout. "Oh please. Its what my dad earned in a month. And what I got played per week when I was in the government." "Stoooop! Please just lend us a couple thousand for restocking.", they beg her and she looks up at Kid confused. "Did I do something wrong? I was only being honest." This girl really has no clue of what its like as a rookie pirate crew... "Once we have the One Piece we'll be rich." "Ah. Its pretty impressive I admit."
They all freeze.
"You saw the One Piece?" "Jup. Dad took me when I was... 2. It was his last time there. I remember a ton of crystals in a large fully deserted city. There where wells with beautiful blue water. There was a lot of gold and there where the porneglyphs. He read them to me. I don't exactly recall the words. He called the city the home of all the D. families and that it is my home as well. I remember the island also moving. The rest is just my dad with some bright light I probably imagined illuminating him and him looking totally awesome." "I love you, woman.", Kid grins and kisses her for a second leaving her confused and a blushing mess. "We are officially two steps ahead of everybody else thanks to her. Please.. The money?" "Oh. Yeah." She summons a sack full of Belis and hands them bundle for bundle. "Is 5000 enough?" They all nod and she smiles. "Okay!"

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