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Artwork by me. You know the rest.


When all of her family members finally leave she sits on deck, covered in jewelry, weapons and any other presents one could imagine. A ton of flowers is surrounding her as well. "Goodbye my boys! Take care!", she calls out, waving until they have disappeared. With a soft sigh and a smile she sits down, holding a bouquet of roses and smells them. "Aren't my boys precious?", she smiles at her conscious again crew mates. "I'm so proud of every single one of them." "Why do they love you so much?" "Well.. It started with the Whitebeards... When I was still a marine. I visited my little brother as soon as he joined them. Their first  division just had been through a tough battle with some rookies. I went through their ranks and healed every single one if them. I stayed for days, taking care of them. Marco was especially bad off. I healed the shot a seastone bullet had given him. He was my first son from there on. I also quickly adopted Edward and Izzy. Ace always was my little boy anyways. Most of the others distrusted me but the entire first and second division as well as Edward himself started to jokingly call me mom or mother. Next was Shanks, most of his crew, then Law, then Mihawk after Shanks introduced me to him. Then Sir Crocodile, Doffy and Jimbei. When I revisited Silver Rayleigh I adopted him too. Because I treated them like one would they soon all came to call me mom, their crews as well and the distrust completely died when I fought on their side at marineford. Jozu was the last one to take to calling me mom. Robin I know since I myself have some ties with the revolutionaries. I met Dragon as well. He first wanted to kill me due to my title but when he noticed that I don't have interest in stopping them he refrained. Instead I adopted him as well. Robin worked for them for a long time. There I met her. She is possibly the only female next to Koala to call me mom. Sabo I adopted as well. He is a sweet boy. And my little brothers brother by heart. So he is family anyways. Same for Ruffy. You see.. Because I naturally behave like a mom they do perceive me as their mom. And who am I to mind having a large and so so sweet family. Even though Law and Doffy hate each other..." They gape at her. Now that's something to take in. "You really have all those connections because they all see you as their mother. Even though you are probably way younger than them..?!" "Jup. I'm 26...  My youngest ones are 15 and the oldest are.... 78 I believe.", she says, "Edward is a good bit older than my dad would be.. Yeah. 78. Rayleigh is 65.. I should get him some kind of present for his 66th. Well... He gets money. He loves money.", she mumbles to herself. "What will you do with all of this?", Kid asks her. "I keep everything of course. Look. This is a picture Koala drew for me when we first met. See?" She holds up a child's drawing. "Is that a sea king?", Wire asks. "Its me holding a cat, idiot! Look how talented my daughter is!!", she hisses, slapping the paper. "V very. I see it now...", Wire stutters, intimidated by the furious woman. "Well then...." Quickly Zero switches back to her usual friendly nature and smiles. "I told you my children are the best! I adore my little girl. I only have two daughters and more than 8000 boys so they have a very special place in my heart.", she says and then let's the picture disappear again. "Honestly... Zero. Do you really need all of it?" "Of course I do. Everything they get me is time and thought invested in me to give me something to remember them by. I wouldn't dare to throw away or give away any of the things my children get me!", she says, narrowing her eyes dangerously at Killer. "Look. My favorite flowers are Roses and lilies. All of my boys got me either. They remember. I love cats. I adore them. Jozu got me a stuffed kitten plushie. Look at it! Isn't it perfectly adorable?! My favorite colors are orange and blue because both of my dads, the real and adoptive one always tell me those are my colors. Look at how everything is themed with those colors. They all remember. Its so sweet of them that they do.", she says, demonstratively holding up a cozy looking scarf that Izzy had given her, colored blue with orange flowers embroidered onto it. "Do you honestly care for all those people?", Kid asks her, staring at her. "Yes. I do. They have always been nothing but sweet to me and I do care for their wellbeing, their health, their comfort. I know I can't always save everyone. Of course I can't. I lost hundreds of my boys at Marineford. I don't care for the men I commanded. But I care for those pirates. In do have favorites. Any mother has. But still I care for all of them and I miss every one I've lost dearly.", Zero says softly, biting her lip to stop herself from crying. "Don't tell me you..."
"Yuma. Hiroto. Kai. Aoi. Trevor. Sam. Benji. Jon. Hart. Finn. Donny. Chris. Kellin. Xavier. Ammon. Aine. Itona. Valentine. Mirco. Lee. Gent. Ford. Damien. Simon. Riot. Oloi. Primo. Uma. Tristan. Winston. Nelson. Bert. Nicolai. Nicolas. Zart. Harp. Elia... So many names and faces I'll never forget.", she whispers. "You really know every single name?" "Every single one. And I count them every time I meet them. I never missed it when even one is missing. These people are my treasure. And I am pretty sure any of you would notice if a gold coin was taken from your chest."

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