In loving memory of..

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"....My mother was a beautiful strong woman. When I was born she was just 29. My father already 51. But she loved him with all her heart. She had his jolly roger tattooed right underneath her chest. She had long strawberry blonde hair and always a hibiscus flower in her hair. I have my freckles from her. They covered her face and shoulders. She had gentle amber eyes and soft, warm hands. She played with me a lot. Took me horseback riding. That hat Ace wears... It was hers once. I wore it often when we went for a ride. She nicknamed me Fawn and used it to an extent that I almost believed it to be my name.", Zero tells him, a small giggle escaping her lips as she remembers her younger self. "She often sang and played the piano. A large white piano in our music room. Her favorite song to sing was 'We'll meet again by Vera Lynn'. She sounded like an angel. I also remember her not being able to cook if her life depended on it. She once set the kitchen on fire trying to fry eggs." Kid chuckles softly. "Father was there at the time and told her that she should just stay with her songs and he would manage the food. He had a mark from the frying pan she hit him with for two days.", Zero giggles. "Mother nearly had a breakdown while trying to stop herself from treating his swollen face... She really was strong... When I left for the second time with father after a year on sea and she got pregnant she prolonged her pregnancy to 20 months to protect Ace from being killed. You know.. Every mothers child that was born 10 months after dads execution was killed. It was a witch hunt. After giving birth she died. It took all of her strength to protect him..", Zero says, smiling softly, but the shimmer in her charcoal eyes betrays her, showing him her sadness. "I really loved her but I always was a daddies girl. I admit I loved him more. I just missed out on a lot of things because she always had to be extra cautious to hide me, I guess.", Zero chuckles. Then rests her chin on his chest. "That's all I remember of my mom. She died when I was 5." "I never met mine. I was always an orphan.", Kid admits. Her eyes look up at him and her heart hurts for him. Quickly she wraps her arms around him and hugs him tightly. "I'm so sorry. And I talk happily about my parents.. I'm so stupid.", she whispers. "I asked you to.", he tells her. She looks into his eyes. "I guess its better than watching one of them get executed...", he mumbles, brushing back a strand of hair. Did her hair get longer? "Still.. But I'm guessing if my dad would have adopted you too you'd be as messed up as I am.", Zero sighs. "Adopted?" "Did I really never say that? I was adopted shortly after being placed into an orphanage.. Even though mother was still alive then...", Zero says, "You probably know my dad. His name is Kuzan but his marine title is Aokiji. He is an ex-admiral. At Marineford he resigned so we wouldn't have to fight." Kids eyes widen in shock. "Aokiji? That admiral with the ice-fruit?" "Jup. That one. I told you I was almost frozen to death as a child.." He gapes at her. "He is a damned pervert. Do you know what he once said? He actually once walked up to a random woman and told her straight faced that she has great tits and should spend the night with him. In front of a 7 year old me. I smacked him over the head with my sandal and told the woman to run but still..." A laugh escapes the red head. He could imagine her really well, her child self slapping the admiral with her shoe. "Don't laugh at me. I mean it. He is a terrible example for a child. Imagine if I would do that too. I'd walk up to some random person and tell them that their face looks hot and if I could sit on it.", she tells him playfully scowling, making him laugh even harder. A small smile pulls up the corners of her lips and she kisses his cheek. "You look your age when you laugh. Very attractive.", she tells him with a smile. A soft blush dusts over his cheeks and he quickly pulls her in for a real kiss. They both smile into the kiss, closing their eyes, enjoying this moment of romance and gentle contact.
Neither had ever felt like a touch quite like the others before. Zeros hands are gentle, warm and even with her scars soft. They smell like waterlilies. So does she in general.
His touch is, even when gentle, demanding. His skin is tough, the years having left deep gashes in his skin. His scars are even rougher than his skin in general. Yet both enjoy the hands of the other person against their own skin. "Zero! Be my girl." It sounds more like a demand than a question but nonetheless Zero smiles. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Darling.", she tells him, before kissing his cheek again.

Death wish [Eustass Kid]✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora