Chapter 13

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I am really sorry for late update, have been very busy lately .

Later that night Aasiya slept with sara as she thought Aayan needed sometime alone.

" I wont leave you , i will make you mine at any cost . I wont let you be with that Ayyan he snatched everything from me " he said hovering on  top of  her and pinning both her hands on the bed.

Aasiya wished for nothing more then for someone to come and save her, seemed like her prayer came true and walked in a man opening the door with a loud bang and pulled the man from on top of her. She couldn't see the mans face in the dark but she saw the chain it had Allah's name written on it.

"Noooooo" scream Aasiya and walk up all sweaty. Aasiya checked the time it was nearly fajr so she had a quick shower and sat to pray namaz.

" Ay mery rab you know everything that happened in the past , you know who is at fault and who is not please give Aayan patience and courage to accept everything . Please show me the right path, please help me find out that man is , Aameen" said Aasiya.

' Aapi usama gave me this chain'

' Usama is he the one who saved me that day , yes its him how could i not know ' thought Aasiya and called on his number.

" Aasiya maam Sir "  shouted the guards  outside.

" whats all the commotion about?" Asked Aasiya when she saw all the guards gathered outside.

" Maam we found this man laying outside with this note" said the guard handing Aasiya the note.

Aasiya looked at mans face and couldn't help the gasp that escaped her mouth.

" Usamah" scream Aasiya and kept Usama head on her lap. She asked one guard to help her take Usama in the house and asked the other to call the doctor.

Aasiya opened her the note i to read ,

Aasiya kept the note in her pocket and left the house in hurry using the backdoor.

" Tell me what to do ? You promised to help me , i am scared you know everything , i dont have it in me to lose anyone else , let me do what they say atleast everyone will be safe" begged Aasiya to the man in front of her .

" Princess trust me this time i promise everything will be fine" he said .

" Why dont you come home and meet everyone ?" She asked .

" I will very soon , for now do me one last thing , i want you to sign these papers and attend the Mafia party this year with the entire family"he said.

At khan mansion

"Aasiya  aapi finally you are back , you know Usamah  he " said Sara but was cut by Aasiya.

"Sara why dont you get some juice for Usamah ?"said Aasiya to which Sara nodded.

once Sara was gone Aasiya closed the door of the room and stood infront of Usamah.

"Why  did you do this? why risk your life for second time? "said Aasiya angrily.

" Aasiya what do you mean? asked Usamah confused.

" it was you who saved me that day right "said Aasiya shocking Usamah.

" Even now you are in this state because of  me" said Aasiya with tears in her eyes.

"Now its too much  all  this needs to end , i am going to end it" said Aasiya wiping her tears and walking out of the room. Usamah ran after her.

" Aasiya listen to me , please " said Usamah . 

"What should i hear , tell me   Usamah " said Aasiya loudly . Hearing the commotion everyone came out to see what had happened.

"Aasiya please , dont.." was saying Usama but was cut

" Usamah look let me go , i cant  let you get  in trouble because me , already i lost my Rayyan, you know he died because of me , he wastrying to fulfil his  duty as a brother and he died, and now you i cant lose you , already because of me  a child lost his father , i dont want  Sara and baba to lose you , you are the reason  of they living , if anything happens to you now i dont know what will happen." said Aasiya with tears in her eyes.

" Usamah you  know when i saw rayyans dead body , i wished i was dead instead, you know my birth was a miracle , i  really wished i died in the fire that day" said Aasiya with tears in her eyes.

"Aasiya Azaan Khan" said a very angry Noor, who with the others was listening to everything.

"Usamah whats  happening here? asked Hammad earning a  glare from Noor and Yazan.

"What should have happened earlier?"Said Aasiya looking at Aayan.

"Aani Baba Mama i need to tell you all something ,  i cant live with Aayan." said Aaasiya 

"Aasiya you are not in your senses lets talk about this later" said Aayan holding Aasiyas hand .

"Aayan leave my hand , i dont want to live with you , i dont love you , i married you because i had no choice but now i do , so please divorce me , set me free from this bond" said aasiya angrily. 

 Unknown Pov:

"Yes she did it , finally Aasiya will be mine , i defeated you , you snatched my everything from me , i took your life from you" he said and started laughing .

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