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Looking at Noah made Eren feel a kind of warmth. He had been patiently waiting for her shift to get over, occasionally looking on his phone or just watching the people walking outside the glass wall. Time to time their eyes would meet from across the room and though they would shyly look away, their smiles were present none the less. It was like after they met and came to know how each of them looked like, they couldn't get enough of each other's presence.

Noah was hurt. Very much.

He had spent days and nights thinking why would Eren do what she did. It was unlikely of her and she must have had her reasons. Thinking rationally helped him somewhat want to understand her reasons and maybe that's why he had been wanting to be around her. Part of it was her face or her presence in general. He wanted to drink in her expressions, her emotions, the way she talked in person, after all the wondering he did when they just talked without really knowing how they looked like. Now that he knew, he wanted more. It was scary and risky and unpredictable. But Eren Sherwood was the first person that made him feel and nothing could change that. Not even when looking at her sometimes made his heart wrench painfully. But he'd like to think it was bearable.

It was close to 7 pm now and Noah had taken the time to think about if he was really sure that he wanted to take Eren to where he was taking her. It felt personal but he wanted her to come, to see and maybe feel that he really did mean when he said he liked her. Maybe he wanted to make her feel appreciated in a way.

"Hey." Eren's voice caught Noah's attention and he looked at her standing beside him with a thin cardigan and a sling bag on her shoulder.

"Hey. Done with work?" Noah asked, standing up and putting his hands in his pockets.

Eren nodded, looking a little nervous but trying her hardest not to show even though it was quite obvious to Noah. Cute. He thought.

"You look tired." Noah said, absentmindedly moving his hand towards her face, pushing away a stray strand of hair from her forehead. He didn't notice what he did until he realised Eren was literally frozen, eyes wide and pink dusting her cheeks.

He quickly retracted his hand back and cleared his throat.

"Let's go."


The night was a little chilly, with autumn just around the corner, but both Noah and Eren could not help but feel warm next to each other. Their presence was comforting, gentle and enveloped them into this warmth they created for themselves. They passed by stores, people walking back home after a long day, children pulling their parents into candy stores, it was a pleasant night.

Eren was curious as to where Noah could be taking her. She had to admit that she was surprised and confused as to why he'd suddenly want to take her somewhere but that curiosity only made her want to know the more hence she agreed. Now she was growing curious by the second but she didn't know just how she should ask Noah. Eren was not shy around people yet here she was, not being able to start a conversation with someone she thought she was pretty comfortable with. She didn't understand why.

"I can literally hear your brains working, you know?" Noah broke the silence first and Eren sighed in relief before looking up to him.

"Well I am curious." Eren agreed, a small smile playing at her lips as she looked straight ahead.

"You could have just asked then."

"I didn't know how to."

"Aren't you the same girl who always spoke to me without even a hello?" Noah teased and Eren just blushed.

"That's different okay?" She scowled, getting embarassed by Noah's teasing. "That was over the phone. Now that we're face to face, it's harder than I thought it would be."

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