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A/N I have zero self control and cannot sit on an update for more than 5 minutes. So I guess you get them as I write them. Hot off the presses as it were.

They quickly finished signing the employment contract and Hoseok emailed photos of his supporting documentation to Yoongi's personal account. It was odd to conduct such matters while kneeling at the feet of his prospective employee while they sporadically touched his cheeks, lips and neck, or shuffled a hand through his hair. It was enough to keep him on edge and now it was he who kept fidgeting. This in turn seemed to feed Hoseok's confidence. He sat taller, his voice deeper and firmer, his gestures more deliberate, his touches more casual and invasive.

Unexpectedly it was Hoseok that brought up the need for a list of limits and safe words. Yoongi was surprised to find that Hoseok had far fewer on both those lists than expected, although he did voice the need to be properly trained in anything that could pose a risk of lasting damage. As expected, he'd done his homework.

They agreed to leave the list of rules for another day, as Hoseok still wasn't sure on certain things like how he wanted Yoongi to address him during their sessions or what if any changes he wanted to make to his behaviour. Although Yoongi got the distinct feeling he was partial to Daddy. The memory of his reaction brought a smirk to his lips.

"What's so funny, Kitten?" The words were deceptively soft and Yoongi cast a quick glance up at him. God, he had good instincts.

"Nothing." He paused and his lips twitched again unbidden. "Daddy."

For a moment Hoseok just sat there staring at him and Yoongi could almost see his internal debate. Did he let it slide because he wasn't quite sure how to handle it, or did he take action and risk a misstep? Yoongi hoped for the latter, he wanted, no needed him to put him in his place.

He leaned forward and Yoongi flinched a little, not sure what to expect. Instead his hand was gentle as he caressed his along his jaw and delved into his hair, massaging with his long elegant fingers. Just as Yoongi began to relax into the touch the hand tightened and his head was yanked back hard enough to make him wince.

"Oh Kitten, wrong answer." He stated, still in that soft voice. Yoongi felt a thrill of anticipation shiver through him.

He had yet to relent his grip on his hair, forcing Yoongi's body to bow uncomfortably as he met his contemplative gaze.

"You know, it occurs to me that I've entered this agreement blind as it were." He broke their stare to sweep his attention suggestively down his body and relinquished the hold on his hair, leaving him scrambling for balance.

He sat back, the picture of relaxed confidence as he continued to let his eyes roam over him. One arm slung across the back of the couch, he nudged his thigh with the toe of his shoe, well worn Adidas meeting exquisitely tailored Lanvin. "Up."

Yoongi got to his feet, grimacing a little at the slight ache in his knees. Used to be he could kneel for well over an hour without a twinge. He must be out of practice.

He gestured to Yoongi in his entirety. "Now. Strip." He enunciated each word succinctly.

"Excuse me?" It wasn't that he was unwilling to complete the task, he just hadn't anticipated it would be expected of him so soon. Hoseok had seemed reticent to have sex with him, so the idea that he might want him naked hadn't occurred to him. The request caught him rather off guard.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Kitten." He chided.

Yoongi's hands went to his tie, undoing it with a practiced motion and pulling it from his collar. As it dropped to the floor, his fingers found the button at his throat. He was about half way down his chest when Hoseok made a disgruntled tsking sound.

"Stop. Not like that. Slower. You're stripping for your lover not your doctor, you're supposed to be enticing me. You do want to entice me, don't you, Kitten?" He tilted his head and smiled predatorily.

Yoongi nodded, as his fingers slowed. Now as he unbuttoned his fingers glided across the skin he exposed, teasing the shirt open a little before it fell closed again. Hoseok's face was impassive, but his eyes followed each movement unblinking.

He yanked the shirt from his trousers to undo the last two buttons. He let the cotton fabric slip from his shoulder before bringing the cuffs together and away from his body so he could undo them, well aware of the appealing definition the actions would create in his deltoids. At last he flexed his shoulder blades together and the material fluttered softly to the carpet, leaving him bare from the waist up.

Keeping Hoseok's words in mind he splayed his hands across his chest just below the collarbones and let them descend to his waistband seductively. He popped the button of his trousers without much fanfare but lingered on the zip, allowing his knuckles to graze down his semi-aroused member. His eyes closed momentarily, revelling in the pleasure of his own touch.

Hoseok's only reaction was a slight narrowing of his eyes and an involuntary flare of his nostrils. Then his index finger circled imperiously, a silent command. Yoongi obediently turned.

Just as he was bringing his trousers down, a finger unexpectedly trailed down his spine, making him jerk in surprise.

"Ah ah ah," He tutted. "Bend at the waist. Slowly." The last word was a purr.

He did as he was told, rewarded with an appreciative hum.

He paused after he'd stepped out of his pants, still folded at the waist to let Hoseok take in the view. He knew his ass was quality. A dry chuckle had him glancing coquettishly over his shoulder.

"Yes, yes, very nice, Kitten, but let's not take all day about it, hmm?" The words were accompanied by the elastic snap of his waistband.

"Slow down, speed up. Which is it?" He grumbled, hooking his thumbs into his waistband and pulling them down, his pride stinging a little at Hoseok's words.

A sharp slap on his left ass cheek had him yelping more in surprise than pain. "Watch it, slut." Came the growled reprimand.

Yoongi swallowed and nodded, his cheek still prickling and his dick hardening. Hoseok peeked over his shoulder, his features sardonically amused as he took in the reaction. Heat filled Yoongi's face and he turned his head away, his hands reflexively clasping in front of his erection in an attempt to hide it. The action earned another soft derisive laugh, but Hoseok made no attempt to stop him.

"So where do you keep your toys? Bedroom? Play room?" Hoseok asked suddenly, looking around in curiosity as though Yoongi might be hiding them in the liquor cabinet.

"B-bedroom." He answered, not entirely sure where this was going.

"And that would be.... where?" Everything about his demeanour made Yoongi feel small. He hated and loved it in equal measure.

"Upstairs. But why-" He began.

"Great. Lead the way."

"But it's Friday. The staff are still here." He objected but Hoseok shrugged indifferently.

"I don't see how that's my problem." Was his clipped reply.

"But I thought we would..." He hadn't really known what they might do, but he'd left instructions not to be bothered in this room, just in case.

"Oh Kitten," Hoseok purred directly in his ear. "Did you really think I was going to touch you or let you touch me after you disrespected Daddy like that?" Yoongi's eyes widened and he took an involuntary step backward.

Hoseok's smile was reptilian as he gestured invitingly toward the door. "After you, Mr Min." He smirked.

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