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Name:flower Ooh, I like that!

Gender:female Wow, lots of females!

Age:20 Okie dokie malokie

Tribe: mudwing Don't see many of those

Sexuality:straight Mhmm

Appearance:like queen moorhen Well, short, tall, brown scales. Still need details! Jewelry?

Backstory:princess of the mudwings, she fought in the war for burn, and her mate died in the war, and she is very projective of her drgonets in fear of losing them. Her mate was killed by IceWings, so she doesn't like them. Needs more detail. Who was her mate? 

Personally;ferice, brave, projective of her drgonets Hmmm, ok

Mate: (deceased) Mud Not a very creative name

Crush:non Obviously!

Dragonets:son (price croc) daughter (princess chestnut) Like those names!

Occupation: teacher at JMA How did she get there? 

Other: has a sister name otter, and a brother name swamp. Okie dokie malokie!

Well, I'm going to give Flower a 5.5/10. She needs work on her appearance, backstory, and how did she become a teacher? She has great potential, but she's obviously incomplete. Well, I look forward to seeing her again!

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