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Name: Starfish The name fits

Gender: Female Mhmm.

Age: About 5Tribe(s): Almost full-blood SeaWing, one of her great-great grandparent's was a NightWing. Huh. Ok

Sexuality: Still deciding, probably Bisexual Hmmmmmmmmmm, ok

Appearance: Deep indigo scales, a few shades darker than most SeaWings because of her genetics. She has heterochromia, her right eye is seafoam green while the other is forest green (forest green because of NightWing genes) Like that. However, this seafoam eye is pretty blurry, even when she's not underwater. Her underbelly is a more pale blue, and her wing membranes are a cobalt blue so dark they're almost black. Ooh, nice description She has curly purplish blue horns, and her bioluminescent scales are the same seafoam green as her right eye. The fins down her back, on her chest, and the webs between her unusually large talons and feet are also dark cobalt like her wings. She has an earring in her left ear, with a silver hoop and a crystal dolphin charm hanging from it OMG I LOVE THAT!. On her right wrist is a silver cuff, decorated with enlarged dolphin charms exactly like the one in her ear. AHHHH YEAS! Between each dolphin is a circular sapphire, about the size of a quarter. As a newborn dragonet, her parent's were gone and never got to witness her birth. She accidentally cut her talon on a sharp rock, and a shark 'smelled' the blood from a mile away and came over. Luckily her parent's were nearby, because if they hadn't seen her she would have died. Just watched Soul Surfer (No idea why I mentioned that. Probably because of the shark)The shark had grabbed her face and had began to clamp down and shake it's head before her father ripped it in half. To this day, Starfish has a scar under her left eye and several large, jagged scars on the right side. A few smaller scars litter her neck and shoulder, and dragons often get confused. She is such a small dragonet, but she has so many scars it's strange. Love that.

Personality: Starfish is extremely anxious all the time, absolutely afraid of the world, and she is terrified of water due to her shark incident. I bet. Whenever she needs to swim, she always makes sure there's a dragon nearby to save her if a shark crosses her path. She easily trusts someone and sometimes doesn't see when another dragon is trying to get into her head or betray her. But she can tell when someone is her true friend. She loves sunbasking ME!, and she only likes chilling in ponds or rivers- where she KNOWS there aren't any sharks. She also loves flying, and will often blink messages in Aquatic because she's getting used to living on land (exlpained in backstory) Ok.. Since she is so anxious about being hurt, she has this 'thing' where, when she sees a small dragonet, she will automatically protect it until someone literally rips her off it *snorts* HILARIOUS. She is a HORRIBLE liar, but is quite sneaky. She often digs holes for no particular reason, even she has no idea why. Wow, strange

Backstory: As soon as Starfish hatched, she slipped and sliced the bottom of her talon on a rock, causing a shark to find her from a long distance. This shark clamped down on her head and began twisting its own head, but luckily her parents were nearby to save her. After this incident, Starfish needed quick medical attention, for the huge marks on her right side were losing blood all-too-quickly Again, Soul Surfer. Her parents took her to a medic, who tried to stitch the scars up, but after about a week the wound was a big mess and the stitches were falling out- or being pulled out. So they seeked better doctors, who said stitches wouldn't help but to put this mixture of octopus gel and kelp on the wound each day before school Nice touch. Now she was about one, starting to go to aquatic school. But when she spoke in aquatic, some of the words like 'the' and 'why' were messed up because of her jagged scars. She was never made fun of, since her parents were minor nobles that would often speak with Queen Coral, and because she, well, looked pretty intimidating Phew, because backstories often have way too much of that.. So she never had any friends, but that didn't stop her from trying. She would introduce herself, and the other dragon would too, but then they drifted away after an hour. After she found she couldn't make friends with dragonets, she went over to adults and tried the same method. They would always have the same reation: "Hey kiddo, where's your- Oof, wow, those are some pretty mean scars, eh?" Ouch. and Starfish would swim away sadly. Though, after about 4 years, she knew all the aquatic she could speak and STILL had no friends. So she decided to venture off, maybe explore the Bay of a Thousand Scales or swim with dolphins Weird life choice. She noticed four dragons, each a different color. A red one, a white one, a shimmery green-gold one, and a jet-black one. Starfish flashed her stripes in alarm, then landed on a boulder and hoped to blend in. But the dragons saw where she went and landed beside her. This poor dragonet was expecting the worst, but the killing blows never came. Instead, a soft voice came from the SkyWing. "My name is Ember Like...Ember Ember?. This IceWing is Caribou-" and was then inturrupted by the RainWing. "Hi, I'm Honeysuckle, and this here is Smallfoot, and we're best friends, HOORAY!" Love that! Ember seemed grumpy. "What's wrong?" she asked. Starfish shyly lifted her head and showed her scars. Honeysuckle and Smallfoot winced, but Caribou seemed interested. "I have a big scar like that too!" and she showed off a huge scar running all the way down her neck. "A MudWing saved me." Ember lifted one of her wings to show an ugly purple bruise on her side, and more of them near the top of her wings. Some slash marks dotted her forearms, but other than that she was pretty clean. "C'mon, we want you to come with us to find something!" Why did she trust them? Honeysuckle had squealed happily. He acted more feminine than any other dragon she'd met. Starfish was desperate for friends, so she nodded and smiled as she followed them. And the rest is MAJOR spoilers for the fanfic I'm writing. Hmm, ok

Mate: None Mhmm

Crush: None Okie dokie (Awwwww)

Dragonets: NONE Obviously 

Occupation: Basically an explorer, but in the future my friend is planning for her to be an archeologist.Ooh, like that!

Other: N/A Ok

So I would probably give Starfish a 9.8/10. She is really well developed and I love the part about the shark (Maybe I'm biased though). She seems really well thought out, and honestly, I wish I had thought of the shark attack thing sooner. Wow, only one criticism. Why did she trust them? Though I sort of get it. GOOD JOB!

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