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Tribe name: SwiftWing I thiiiiiink I've heard it before, but I love the name!

Usual appearance: SwiftWings have a slender build and long, elegant, light gray horns Love that! that curve back. Their scales come in shades of blue, ranging from a stormy blue to a vibrant, electric blue O.O. Their underbellies are dark gray, like their wings Mhmm. They have four wings and the larger pair is on top, while the smaller pair is on the bottom Like SilkWings or HiveWings. The smaller pair has jagged streaks running across their wings resembling lightning, which is the color of their base scales WOW, cool!. They have stormy gray eyes with talons that match the color of their horns. Lots of grey!

Usual names: Plasma, Thunderclap, Storm, Thunder, Zap, Shockwave OOOOOHHHH, LOVE THAT!

Usual egg number: 3-5 Ok

King: King Shockwave Mhmm.

Queen: Queen Plasma Love the name!

Princesses: Princess Stormfinder, Princess Zap, Princess Rainfall Ok!

Princes: Prince Thunderclap, Prince Striker Nice names!

Usual life span: 120-140 years Ok, like it, like it!

Location: Pyrrhia; Claws of the Clouds Mountains Mhmm. Matches the name

Other: They can breathe white/blue fire and are the fastest dragons in Pyrrhia. They also have incredible vision. Animus are known to have red scales instead of blue (red lightning) LOVE that, but there haven't been any animus in many years. Why? Under certain circumstances, a SwiftWing could be born with the ability to harness lightning, but since it's a dangerous process, it isn't done much. Ooh, love that!

I would probably give SwiftWings a 9.6/10. They are obviously well thought out, I LOVE their description! I don't really see any improvements here except for why they don't have any animi! GOOD JOB!

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