the Regret of Tarkin, Zsinj, Yuularen, the 7th Fleet, and Thrawn

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(Well I haven't seen any complaints. so Tarkin, Thrawn, Yuularen, the 7th Fleet, the Sundered Heart (EaW Design), CR-70 Class Corvettes, N-1 Star Fighters, and MC-40 Class Star Cruisers will be in the CIS. And yes: I will be putting TIEs, X-Wings, B-Wings, A-Wings, U-Wings, and MG-100 Star Fortresses in this but only because that they have the blue like CIS Stuff, But I digress. On with the Story!)

Imperial Fleet: a fleet of 12 Imperial 1 Star Destroyers, 10 Imperial 2 Star Destroyers, 8 Acclamator 2 Class Assault Ships, 20 Imperial Venator Class Star Destroyers, 6 Acclamator 1 Class Assault Ships, 14 Victory 2 Class Star Destroyers, 2 Executor Class Super Star Destroyers, 4 Praetor 1 Class Battle Cruisers, 20 Arquentis Class Light Cruisers, 16 Tonfolk Class Escort Carriers, 12 Dreadnought Class Heavy Cruisers, 10 Nebulon B Frigates, and 8 Praetor 2 Class Battle Cruisers were all in position near the Death Star and looked at the Remains of Alderaan in horror after the pieces and went to Naboo with the intention of leaving the Galaxy. The 7th Fleet had purchased 1000 N-1 Star Fighters, then went to Correllia and purchased 600 CR-70 Class Corvettes, the Sundered Heart joined the 7th Fleet after hearing that they wanted to leave the Galaxy with some ship manufacturers joining to leave the Galaxy with the 7th Fleet, and finally went to Mon Calamari and purchased 260 MC-40 Class Star Cruisers. Tarkin, Zsinj, Thrawn, Yuularen, and a few naval officers then remembered that the CIS left the Galaxy in coordinates from Mustafar to Wild Space. As such: the 7th Fleet jumped into Hyper Space where the CIS did during their evacuation of Mustafar, and the same Anomaly happened with the 7th Fleet but before the 7th Fleet jumped into Hyper: they disabled the Locator Beacon and they came out of Hyper Space a few hours later and Hailed the CIS Comm Tower with the Following Message: "Hailing the Confederacy of Independent Systems, we are the 7th Fleet: and we wish to join you, as we surrender. the Empire, it tricked us." Before they received coordinates to follow

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