Unexpected Run

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I waited for Will to feed me. He gave me my oats, and before he left, I dropped an empty bag in his hand. "Hey!" He exclaimed. I snorted and licked his cheek. He patted my nose then left.
The next morning, Will put my halter on and led me outside to the others. He put me beside Jimber. I put my head on his back.

'Hi.' Jimber said.

I chuffed at him. "Hey Alfie, how are you today?" Sarah asked.

I hid my face in Jimber's mane. Sarah chuckled. "What is so funny Sarah?" Will asked.

She pointed to me as I tried to bury myself deeper in Jimber's mane. He saddled Jimber. I smelled the saddle and backed away.

I snorted as Will placed a bridle on Jimber. I started pulling on the halter, trying to get away. "Hey, Hey, Alfie, It's okay."

I finally got something undone, it was the rope. I reared and backed up quickly. "Alfie!" Will called as I ran away from him.

The rope got caught on a branch. I pulled once again. The halter finally came off and I ran. 'Alfie!' Jimber called after me.

(Like this but no jump)

I kept running until I came to a canyon like area. I heard hooves behind me, but I kept running. I came to an are of the canyon where it had a revine. I backed up. I heard more hooves coming towards me. "Alfie! No!  Stop! Don't do it!" Everyone screamed at me all at once.

I started running towards the ledge. I waited till a few feet till the ledge to push myself to the right. I headed up the canyon. I started playing frogger with the cracks in the floor. I pushed myself harder as I heard a river.

I ran to the river and started gulping down water. I ran across the river and slowed. I heard hooves coming my way quickly. I started pacing in a walk.

I shook my head 'No' as I paced. I laid down under a tree and huffed at myself. 'I can't be afraid forever. I am so stupid!' I thought out loud.

'Alfie!' Jimber called me. I got up and pawed the dirt gently as I shook my head. I sighed and walked towards the river.

I drank some more water and started walking with my head down. I walked towards Jimber's voice. I sighed as I walked passed him. I didn't even look at him as I continued walking back through the canyon.

Hey guys and gals,
Thanks for being patient with me. Also sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger!

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