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Hi everyone! So, due to some advice we've gotten, we decided to change up this chapter, to hopefully make it more interesting. Sorry about the change, but hopefully you all like this version better!

My life was surely going to fall apart.

It was the only thought that crossed my mind as I stepped into the dining room, taking in the anxious faces of my family. My mother, her ice blue eyes boring into me, spoke first.

"How did it go?"

I bit back a sigh. I expected this interrogation to take place soon enough. I looked away from my siblings and parents, trying to avoid imagining their hopeful, expectant expressions replaced by the bitter sting of disappointment. I gulped, my mind racing to find ways to break my test to them.

"It wasn't... bad," I replied, pulling back a pristine white chair and taking a seat in between Trent and Amara. Amara smiled at me sweetly, her doll-like features innocent as an Inferior servant scooped mushroom risotto onto her plate. She was only nine. She didn't understand the pressure I was under. She's too perfect to ever feel that kind of pressure anyways. For a minute, I couldn't help but feel jealous of her perfect face, her exquisite talents, and her charming attitude.

"Wasn't bad?" Mother asked suspiciously as the servant began to heap the dish onto my plate as well. Mother glared almost inconspicuously at her. "That's quite enough for Aisa." The servant pulled back hastily, nodding silently before stepping away, her black, hand-shaped tattoo bathed in the dim candlelight. The 'I', the sign of her Inferiority, was suddenly prominent. I averted my eyes quickly, looking back at my own bare wrist.

Someday, that tattoo might be on mine.

"I did much better than some other girls for sure." I added, carefully slicing a piece of tender meat with my fork, attempting to look unconcerned. Mother wasn't buying it.

"I do hope that etiquette and arts went alright. Dear me, with the amount of training you had, I'd be quite surprised if they didn't." A thin smile spread across her face, as if she expected me to say otherwise. In reality, though, those were the subjects I think I did the worst at. So much for the classes.

I glanced at dad and Trent. Father appeared to be in a state of oblivion, devouring his meat. Trent caught my gaze and smiled at me, heartfelt and sincere as his dirty blonde hair fell into his aquamarine eyes. A rush of gratitude for him threatened to overpower me as Trent spoke up, cutting through the awkward silence that had settled in the room.

"Mother, I'm sure Aisa did fine. She's more than capable enough, don't you think?"

"I just hope she put all her capability to use. Trent, do have a little more food. You look malnourished, my son." She beckoned for the servant, ignoring Trent's cry of protest as she turned to me. "You do understand what it means to fail this test, don't you, Aisa?"

"I do." It was true. I did. I practically lived and breathed for this test. Without it, there was no point to anything. If I failed, the consequences would be severe. My family would be put to shame. I would be stripped of my Superior status, and instead be downgraded to either an Inferior or Median. It couldn't happen. I couldn't let it happen.

"Aisa?" Trent asked gently, glancing at my plate. "You're scraping at non-existent food."

"Ah... sorry," I handed my plate to the servant behind me, ignoring the quiet rumble of my still empty stomach. It wasn't like I was going to be allowed to eat more anyway.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm a bit tired. I think I'll go to sleep now."

"Fine, Aisa," said Mother, pressing the backs of her eyelids, as if she couldn't bear to look at me right now. "I'll see you in the morning. Your results should be sent to my Receiver by then."

SuperiorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang