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"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Farrow. I will be your guide for today."

I looked up and noticed a tall boy standing in front of me, his arm outstretched. He had unruly, chestnut curls and round, hazel eyes, which had a mischievous twinkle in them. He was quite good-looking, but he seemed almost rebellious. The way he carried himself, in a casual, confident way. Completely opposite to me. He continued to hold out his hand to me, eyebrow raised, and it finally registered to me that I was meant to shake it. His smile seemed to be a bit forced, I could tell, although to any other person it might have appeared genuine. Was he another one of those sweet talkers?

"Oh, um, hi," I stuttered, letting go of my suitcase and hastily shaking his hand. "I'm Aisa."

"I know," he said, sounding a tad bored. He tugged his hand away from my lingering grasp. "Let's get this started."

"Of course," I answered, studying him closely. Something about him seemed a little off, and almost...familiar? I could have sworn I saw him somewhere else. But nobody I'd seen but him had this kind of attitude. 

He turned his back to me and began heading down the cobbled path towards the building, not bothering to look if I was following. 

I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to do this, either. He didn't have to put it so bluntly. And act so...rude. But then again, it was refreshing to meet someone who didn't treat me like some princess because of who my father was. Although right now I'd give almost anything to be back home and not worry about the Superiot. But while I was here, I might as well make the most of it. The parting words of my mother lingered in my mind like a motto I should never forget:

Do NOT disappoint me.

I glanced up at the place I would be staying for the next three years, trying not to panic. The Superiot practically loomed in front of me, with the two towering buildings made up of spotless, clear marble, a giant fountain standing on top of each, the water flowing out of them in various patterns. Lush, green grass surrounded both of them, and stone pathways threaded through it every now and then, each leading to one of the many doors of each building. Beautiful plants and flowers lined the fields, creating splashes of color amongst the otherwise completely polished Superiot. Everything seemed to sparkle and shimmer under the shining sun.  The thought hit me before I could stop it.

I do not belong.

I pushed it away immediately turning my attention back to the matter at hand. Raiker was already almost at the building. 

Taking another moment to process his uncommon actions, I started to follow him.


"So... there's not much to see here. When you first enter, you gaze upon the reception, where a single woman has to deal with constant hordes of people, most of them being annoying guests of our esteemed students!"

I glanced at the relatively small cubicle, with spotless glass windows and a slightly burnt out woman sitting at the wooden desk inside. A phone sat between her shoulder and ear, and she was scribbling frantically on a notepad while speaking, her hair frazzled. She looked a lot like Tight Bun lady...

"Done staring at that?" Raiker asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Uh, yes," I replied, startled. What was his problem?

"Everything else down here is just a bunch of official administration stuff that you don't need to know much about. Just remember that the reception is on the left."

"Okay, thanks," I told him. But wasn't it his job to show me everything?

"Next we're gonna walk up this stunning staircase made out of marble, and hope that our legs still work after it." He ran a hand along the polished railing and beckoned for me to follow. The fact that he had to be a bit polite seemed to be sinking in, although his tone was still a little off. Sarcastic, maybe?

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