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When the tour finally got over, we had ridden down the elevator to the ground floor. Throughout the ride, I did my best to suppress my amusement. I had led her there, handing her the ID that had been given to me during the briefing. She had cooled down significantly, the red embarrassment draining from her face within a few minutes of her explosion. She looked at me measuredly, and without a word, grabbed her suitcases and stalked into her room, almost slamming the door shut behind her. I could only smile, slightly confused. "I'll pick you up for dinner at eight! Wash up, will you?" I had called out as I heard footsteps tapping away.

It was only later, at my dorm that I finally let myself break down laughing. That was hilarious. It had been so easy to get a rise out of her! She's hot tempered for sure. But she surprised me. She was... different. "Aisa Farrow- you're not what I expected at all..." I thought out loud, sinking into the soft mattress of my bed. This was getting interesting.


At precisely eight in the evening, I rapped on the wood of her door. "Miss Farrow, it's dinnertime. You must be starving, since we skipped lunch today. Would you perhaps like to join me so we can eat?"

The door clicked open, revealing her, fully dressed and ready to go. She wore her uniform; a dark pink skirt reaching just above her knees, edged with a black and white pattern, a fitted white collared shirt under a light pink blazer, and a tie. Her blonde hair was simply put up in a neat ponytail, and besides a thin coat of lip gloss, she didn't appear to be wearing any makeup. She also seemed to have calmed down significantly, smiling slightly as she looked up at me.

"Ah... Raiker. Thank you for showing me around. I apologise for my behavior earlier... From what I remember, the cafeteria is in a different building, correct?"

I acknowledged her apology with a slight incline of my head, and then proceeded to respond.

"Yes, Miss Farrow. It is right beside this one."

"Please call me Aisa. I would prefer if you didn't act quite so unfamiliar around me." She sounded almost shy.

Ha. We both felt the stiffness and stuffiness of our conversations. I very much preferred her when she was showing emotions, though. Even when it was anger at me. She feels more like a person than a condescending rock. Not that it matters. Sadly, she will remain a condescending rock, just like the rest of them. I let out a soft, barely audible sigh, and nodded.

"Very well... Aisa. If that is your wish."

I led her out through the befuddling maze of straight hallways leading this way and that, finally reaching the enormous dining hall. A long buffet stretched out along one wall, the rich delicacies giving off a delicious aroma. It was split into three sections; appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Servers in white aprons stood behind the buffet, heaping generous portions of food onto each Superior's plate. But of course, everybody in the hall was only there by obligation, merely picking at the food with the fear of putting on weight. They didn't know how privileged they were at all. My stomach churned with hate and disgust. All of that food could keep an Inferior town fed for days, months even! But it was going to be thrown away instead. Aisa tapped on my forearm, pulling me away from my ever-distracting thoughts and back into the crowded hall.

"Where should we sit?" She asked, scrutinizing the area.

I scanned around for empty tables, my eyes landing on a set of familiar faces. "Wait here," I told her firmly, pointing at the end of the buffet "I'll be right back."


"Ashe. Hello." I sat down in front of him, as was customary. He looked up from his food, hurriedly swallowing his bite.

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