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The day after the gala, I woke up with a pounding headache.

I felt fully drained from socializing so much, and I really didn't want to face the world. However, responsibilities prevented me from doing obscene things such as staying in bed for the next eternity.

My Receiver was ringing incessantly and unrelentingly. It must have been urgent. I groaned, sitting up in bed as I fumbled with the device, which was sitting on my ornate bedside table, carved with roses of mahogany wood, and laid with intricate golden paisley.

Ornate goddamn everything! It makes everything so formal and stiff and fancy. I'm too tired for this.

But I had to deal with it anyway, because Fatima wouldn't give up. I sent her a message telling her to shut up and be patient for a bit, because I had to freshen up before I did anything.


My Receiver had sixteen messages when I returned from the shower. I groaned. Did I have to be this needed? Three from Keva, asking for an update, three from Aisa, letting me know that she would be waiting in front of her dorm at around 8:40 for me to take her to classes, and like, ten from Fatima, for Juan knows what.

I responded to all of them, seated on the desk (ornate, of course) next to the door, saving Fatima's for last. I don't know why.

I looked at the time. 8:30 AM.
I should get going. I'll look at Fatima's messages on the way.

Leaving the spacious dorm, I dialed up Fatima. It was easier this way. She picked up within half a ring, the screen lighting up with her frantic expression. "Why did you take so long to reply to my messages, Rai?"

"Was it urgent?"

She glared at me. "Very much so. We have a situation on our hands. Where are you?"

Crap. "I'm entering the female dormitories. I have to pick up Aisa. Should I wait?"

She cursed under her breath. "Alright, I'm on my way. Let Aisa know you're gonna be a teensy bit late. Stay right where you are!"

I wondered what was going on. I thought back to Keva's warning when I left. Have I screwed this up already?

True to her word, Fatima arrived on the scene five minutes later. She did not look happy.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"...No? But I'm sure I will within the next two minutes."

"Your little fight with Zander yesterday has us in huge trouble, Raiker. Felone Renaldi saw you both at each other's throats, and now she's running her mouth off about the two of you. Everybody has something to say about the situation. This is bad. This is really, really bad."

I was stunned into silence. Shit! I was too impulsive yesterday. I'd jeopardized everything, hadn't I? I ran a hand through my already messy hair, trying desperately to think, think, think and find a solution. This would ruin both mine and Zander's reputation, wouldn't it? Not that I cared too much about mine, but I needed my social standing to get this mission done. Zander, on the other hand...

Slowly, a plan started to form in my head. I turned back to Fatima.

"Okay, I think I might know what to do. I still need to revise through it, so I'll let you know what to do in an hour or so. Would that be fine?"

Silently, she nodded. "Alright. But if this plan of yours doesn't work, we're screwed. You know that, right?"

I thought back to Keva again. This time though, I was genuinely confident. "Yes, I do. I know this'll work."

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