The New Plan

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Zak's point of view

Slowly, I opened my eyes. I wanted to get up but I was too weak and fell down. I realized that I was caught in a bubble. At least I could sit down. I remembered the last event and got panic. I had to get out of here right away. But I could not because of the stupid bubble, I could not even move. 

"Again awake Storm?" Skullivar suddenly said in front of me. "What's that crap ?!" I said angrily. "Oh, you mean the bubble, that's just for not escaping." he said and gestured. The bubble turned and I fell down. Skullivar just laughed and said, "Have you still not recovered, I'll soon have the Crystal and Calabrass and then no one can stop me anymore, your bad version will get it for me if not then I will not mind. He will be hurt if you hurt yourself, hahaha! " I got panic again - he did the second version of me !!! And who am I hurt then he is hurt too? I only remained silent and wondered how I could escape from this stupid bubble. I could not get up because I was too weak and what pointed here was not around, right?! Skullivar went away again and my bubble just flew with him. Great, I do not need a plan anymore. What good is it for me to have a plan when Skullivar is in front of me and can grab me. 

"Do you really think I'll leave you unattended?" he asked sarcastically. I just stayed silent and looked away.

Cece's view:

"Where is our friend?" I called. "But I'm your friend, well, just the bad version of him!" he said. I do not believe it Skullivar has Zak cloned. Crogar pulled out his viking sword and knocked him off the wheel and fell onto the deck. He stood up and covered his hand in pain. 

Meanwhile at Skullivar:

Zak's point of view

"AAH!" I shouted. My hand hurt suddenly. Skullivar turned and just laughed. "Now you're not the one who breaks the joke anymore!" Bones suddenly said behind me. I just looked at him angrily and he laughed. 

The End.

"If you hurt me, you hurt my other 1 too!" he said darkly and ran to his boat. I can not believe it as if the situation was not difficult enough. "We have to follow him" shouted Caramba. He wanted to go back to Skullivar so we could free Zak too. But it's too risky Skullivar could possibly get the crystal and who knows what he would do then. No matter sometimes you have to take risks. Oh, did I just say that? Normally Zak would always say that and I would stop him, but now I do not want to anymore. 

We were close to the verses. He wanted to shake us off but I knew how. Clear! He is a second version of Zak only angry at him, but I know his tricks anyway because they are practically the same. "Cece, we're almost at Skullivar, what should we do, he did it!" Clovis called from his lookout. "We're freeing Zak, I'm not giving up hope that fast!" I answered him and drove on to Skullivar. 

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