1. Out of my classroom!

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My alarm. Beep Beep Beep. Aka the most annoying sound besides my school bell. They thought it would be fun if they changed it to a short melody of eight notes. But after a while the melody gets hella annoying.

I groan and look at my alarm. 6:30. Not today, and snooze my alarm.
After nine minutes it goes off again. Out of automation I snooze it again and roll over back to sleep. I wake up to my dorm mate running into my room.

"Nev! Get up our class is literally starting in twenty minutes!"

She hits me with a pillow. "Fuck off Sarah."

It takes me a while before I realise what she just said. I shoot up.

"Wait twenty minutes?"

In my mind all I think about is there is no way that just happened. I even woke up earlier then normal. I look at my alarm and apparently there was no alarm set at all.

"It's nineteen minutes now you shithead. Get up before we come to late."

I quickly stand up from my bed but get lightheaded because I stood up way to fast. I fall back on my bed but stand up immediately after. I rush to my wardrobe.

Why didn't I chose my outfit yesterday night. I think back to yesterday and remember that I was to lazy.

I facepalm myself and grab a random pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I throw them on and look in the mirror. My hair is a messy bun with hairs sticking out of it. I untie my bun and strike my hands through my hair and try to make a decent ponytail. I look in my mirror and give up on making a good ponytail and my hair drops on my shoulders. It's about my collarbones length and it just fits in a bun.

I walk towards the kitchen but run back to look at my outfit. Black mom jeans and an orange adidas T-shirt. I quickly grab a black belt and put in on while walking towards the kitchen.

I arrive at the kitchen where sarah has already made me breakfast. I grab the sandwich she made for me.

"You know I don't like peanut butter." I look at sarah and she looks back with an amused face.

"Yes I know, but its this or nothing." She throws her hands up and laughs. If looks could kill she'd be dead by now. I walk towards her and purposely walk into her shoulder. She turns around facing me and we start laughing.

"We've gotta do groceries. Who will do it this time?"

I look at her with half a sandwich in my mouth. "I did it last time remember sarah?" I sound disgusting and sarah laughs.

"Don't you dare spit that sandwich out while laughing. I spend a whole two minute making it for you. Very precious two minutes." This comment only makes me laugh more and I keep the sandwich in my mouth with trouble.

I walk towards the coat rack as I take the last bite out of my sandwich. I search one of my coats of off the coat rack.

Sarah loves clothes almost as much as me so this coat rack is overpacked. I spot my favourite denim jacket. I grab it and the first pair shoes my eyes catch. My yellow vans, I'm already wearing a orange t-shirt but I don't care.

Sarah is already waiting for me at the door and I rush towards the door. "Come on Naveah, class doesn't wait!"

"It doesn't? How odd?" I trip on my untied shoelace and face plant on the ground. Sarah bursts out laughing and I stand up and swear. Sarah continues to laugh for another minute. This has got to be my worst fail ever. Sarah leaves the dorm laughing. Another student in the hall looks weird at us.

"What's up fucker!" She quickly looks the other way.

As we walk down the stairs we hear our names being called.

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