4. McDonalds?

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I try to make myself comfortable in the chair. But let me tell you, hospital chairs are everything but comfortable. I mean have they heard of cushions?

I tilt my chair and almost fall backwards.

"Crap! Shit!" I curse while holding my hand on my heart.

"They did not tell you to not do that with no reason dumbass." Zac grins at me. He's only gotten paler over the last few minutes. And he's closing his eyes like he's falling asleep every few seconds.

"Well these chairs are not comfortable, the toilet is probably more comfortable than this chair."

I jump of the chairs onto the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Zac looks confused in my direction.

"Are you blind? I'm sitting on the ground obviously." I start sitting in indian style. "How'd you get the cut? You can't avoid this conversation forever."

"First of all, why are you sitting on the damn floor West? Second of a-."

"Because I want to why else?" He rolls his eyes.

"As I was saying. Second of all it's a long story."

"You aren't leaving this god forsaken room until you tell me."

The doctor comes in with a more serious look.

"Looks like I won't leave for a bit longer." Zac says with a smile.

"We looked at your blood works, and it was very clear. You have Sepsis, which was caused by an infection. Which was in your cut on your leg. Which we will stitch later after cleaning it. Sepsis is an extreme immune reaction of the human body toward serious bacterial infection circulating in the bloodstream. You've come here right on time, because Sepsis is lethal when not treated. It can cause organ dysfunction. We'll take your blood pressure and respiratory rate. Which is how many breaths you take per minute. And then we'll conclude which severity you have."

Zac's smile disappeared, just like mine.

How am I supposed to react? I've never been in such a situation? Should I be supportive? Should I be worried? Should I make fucking jokes to cheer him up? Maybe he actually dies, then what do I do?

I panic, I really just panic. I look at Zac, he shows no emotion. None at all. Ok you know, just be cool. It will be fine? Right?

"Shall I call your parents?" I ask him, he aggressively shakes his head. A clear no.

"And you are going to have to stay here. So are you allergic to anything? Do you take any medicine? We'll show you your room later."

"Well you might wanna take a seat, this will take a while." Zac exclaims. And I fucking snort. In this situation, I snort over such a bad fucking joke.

I mentally facepalm myself and look at Zac. At least he's laughing.

"So let's get started shall we, ok so first we have paroxetine. For my anxiety obviously. And antidepressants for my depression, but I stopped taking them. two weeks ago." His voice gets slower as the conversation continues.

It wasn't about the rest of his medication, as he didn't have much more. But a discussion about why he stopped taking his bipolar medication.

"If you stop abruptly it will only make it worse." The nurse says with some light irritation heard in her voice.

"Yeah but I was in a mood." Zac says with clear irritation in his voice.

"We'll give them to you along with your other medication. But first the severity."

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