One Day

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Ugh, young Michael singing live is just... 😩😍


Don't be a ghost reader, comment throughout! ❤️

Don't be a ghost reader, comment throughout! ❤️

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It's been about a month since I've talked to Daisy. She ignores me now. I found myself gravitating back into my old ways of carelessly sleeping with different girls to ease the aching and emptiness in my heart... along with popping a couple pills every now and then...

Don't look at me like that...

I can stop if I wanted to...

I just haven't wanted to yet is all.

About two weeks ago, detective Bundy came and talked to every single one of us. I feared Janet would break down because she'd been so vulnerable and jumpy every since I told her about Clark knowing and having her journal. But she didn't, she did well.

I'd seen Daisy around school and it pained me to not be able to go touch her or talk to her. She never even looked at me anymore. She only talks to Janet every once in awhile. But she spent most of her time with Marlon and some guy name Richie.

He was a nerdy white boy with dark hair and glasses. He seemed to drool at the mention of Daisy's name and them becoming close drove me crazy.

Today was Daisy's 17th birthday. I knew she felt empty without her father but she had her moments of happiness where I'd see her smiling and laughing and it momentarily warmed my heart.

I stood in the hall, staring at her rummage through her semi messy locker. I watched her run her fingers through her curly hair.

Is this worth it? She thinks I broke up with her because I don't want her anymore and that was the farthest thing from the truth. She was all I wanted.

What if I just tell her the truth?

What if I just sneak around and be with her?

It was a risk to even think these things, but as I looked over at Daisy, i realized it was a risk I was willing to take. It'd be hard to convince her to sneak around with me though, that was the reason she'd broke up with me in the past.

I'd kept our relationship such a secret, no one even knew about our break up. Of course everyone still questioned my sexuality after the whole Donny Tape thing, but not long after he passed away and people saw me around with different girls again, things went back to normal...

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