Midnight Man

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'Okay so it's like a ritual game'
Sam was starting to explain the game when Corey cut him off. 'A what? No way I'm not doing that.' Corey said laughing and looking at us. 'I'm not welcoming a demon into our house.' He laughed again. I looked at Jake and he just nodded. 'Well me and Jake will play.' I said. Kat agreed to play also. 'Well I guess I might as well play right?' Corey three his hands up. Sam put his hands together and smiled, then finished explaining the game. We had to poke our fingers and put a drop of blood on a piece of paper with our names on it. 'If I put a heart on mine do you think he'll be nice to me.' Jake asked smiling. 'I'm gonna put a heart on mine.' Jake drew a heart and put his drop of blood inside the heart. He's such a dork. But that's why I liked him. We finished doing that then lit our candles and put them on the papers. 'Okay so we have to put them behind a wooden door then knock on the door 22 times, the 22nd knock has to land directly at midnight. So let's start it's 11:59.' He closed the door and we knocked 22 times. The game has begun.
*an hour and a half later*
We all ran upstairs and Sam turned on the lights. 'No way, it's over put your candles out now guys.' He ended the game early because too much crazy stuff was going on. 'Well, looks like we're getting the spookys while we sleep tonight. Kat is the only one who doesn't have to sleep here.' Jake laughed. 'Yeah I'm definitely going home, sorry Sam.' She laughed while grabbing her bag to leave. 'Oh my god!' Kat screamed. 'What what?' We all asked. 'The door literally just pushed itself open! I'm not kidding guys I seen it with my own eyes!' She was almost crying. 'Well I'm getting the fuck out of here.' Corey said running out of the room. 'Well it's time for us to call it a night too.' Jake said putting his arm around me. Kat looked at us confused. 'Us?' She asked looking at me astounded. I nodded. 'Yeah it was kind of a secret for a few days. I guess we aren't good at keeping things lowkey.' I giggled. 'Who else knows?' She asked. 'Everyone.' We all answered. 'Wow and nobody told me?' Kat pouted. We laughed and left Sam's room. Jake dragged me to his room. 'Come on I don't wanna sleep alone baby not after thattt.' He whined. 'Fineeee.' I gave in and got into bed with him. Not even five minutes later Jake turned me over and started kissing me. I mean I wasn't complaining. I loved how soft his mouth was and how it perfectly fit mine. Eventually the clothes came off and Jake pushed himself into me while covering my mouth to stifle a moan. I scratched my hand along his back while the other was in his hair. I heard his soft moans while he pumped in and out of slowly but hard. He didn't want to get too into it because apparently we're really loud.
*the next morning*
Jake jumped awake and I almost fell off the bed. 'Jake what the hell?' I asked angrily but also sleepily. 'I just I had a bad dream Y/N.' His voice shook a little and my voice softened. 'What happened baby?' I asked him while wrapping myself around him. 'I was sitting here and there was a shadow man with red eyes at our door way. And it just spooked me because I've never seen that and it was like scary.' He was shaking. 'Jake, he's gone now.' I tried to comfort him. He shook his head hard. 'No, this is only the beginning.' He stared at me with the most serious face I've ever seen jake have. I trembled in fear....

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