Chapter 15

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Much to Rachel's delight Quinn didn't try to murder Finn. Rachel was sympathetic towards Quinn; she wouldn't have been too happy if she had to watch Quinn stand up on stage with Finn and then share a dance with her, but that didn't mean that Finn deserved to get hurt for being voted Homecoming King. And she really didn't want anything to ruin the fact that she had been voted Homecoming Queen.

Rachel had never seriously considered the possibility before but she had dreamt of it. Every girl deserved to have at least one night to be treated like a princess... or like a queen as it was. Frankly, Rachel liked the word princess over queen but that was just personal preference. Anyway, Rachel liked that feeling. Thus far, Homecoming had to be the greatest night of her young life. She ended the night with one last dance with Quinn. After the dance, Quinn drove Rachel home and congratulated her for being voted Homecoming Queen. Her compliments made Rachel blush.

That night it was hard for her to fall asleep. Her body was practically humming with energy, which wasn't particularly unusual as Rachel was always full of energy, but Rachel almost felt like she was glowing just like the star that she knew she was. Eventually though she did tire out. Her eyes closed shut and she drifted off into dreamland. Rachel woke up early the following morning just like she always did. Her tiara rested on her nightstand. Rachel smiled as she looked at it.

She picked it up and carefully placed it atop her head before heading over to the mirror she had on top of her dresser so she could look at herself. Her dads had been asleep when she had gotten home the previous night. She couldn't wait to tell them about how she was voted Homecoming Queen. Rachel Barbra Berry, Homecoming Queen. It was still weird to think about. Not too long ago it seemed like no one at school knew her name, and now she was Little Miss Popular.

After a minute or two Rachel took off her tiara and placed it back on her nightstand. She then started up on her morning routine. She took a jog around the block after she was finished. Rachel ran a few laps but she was feeling pretty tired so she didn't stay out too long. Once she was done Rachel headed straight for her room. She just wanted to lay in her bed and maybe call or text Quinn. But once she got there she was surprised to find that her room was already occupied.

"Noah? What are you doing here?" Rachel was surprised to say the least. Noah knew where the spare key was so he could have easily gotten inside but it was quite odd for him to be up at this time of day.

"Aw, nothing really," he shrugged. "I just got a surprise for you."

"A surprise? What is it?"

Noah chuckled. "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" "Noah, what is it?" Rachel whined.

"Fine, fine," Noah relented. "Close your eyes," he instructed. Rachel eagerly did as he told. She was bouncing on the soles of her feet. She wondered what it could be; maybe a puppy or a kitten. Rachel had always wanted a pet. Of course she probably wouldn't be able to find the time to take care of a pet, but she still wanted one. Whatever it was Rachel was excited. Noah took his time though, prolonging her wait. Rachel would have hit him she only she could see where he was. "All right, open your eyes." Instantly, Rachel did just that.

In front Rachel, Noah held out a letterman jacket. It was small, or at least smaller than most. It took Rachel a moment to piece everything together. And then she gasped. "Is this..."

"Yep, it's yours," Noah answered. "And don't worry I talked to Coach and she ordered it special; fake leather." Rachel might have squealed a bit. "So come on, try it on," he told her, motioning for her to turn around. Rachel smiled, hugged Noah and did a quick spin. She held her arms up and Noah helped her put her new letterman on. It felt amazing.

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