Chapter 7: A Hellish Misson

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The next day at 5 AM dokkaebi was the sleeping and she turns her body to the other side and feels something hard so she opens her eyes and sees mikey close to her face so she cuddles him around and goes back to sleep.
she open her eyes again and realized she was cuddling with mikey as she quickly gets up with her face was blushing waking .

Mikey: "morning grace."
Dokkaebi: "m- m- morning michal."
Mikey notice her face is red so he asked her about it.
Mikey: "hey uuuh why is your face red?"
Dokkaebi: "oh i was... uh hot thats all."
he sits up and looks at her closely as she looks at him smiling.
Mikey: "ok, then im going to the canteen then." he goes to the bathroom and takes a shower
Dokkaebi: "oh ok." she gets on her tablet later sees mikey shirtless getting her attention.
Dokkaebi: *face blushes hard red with a bloody nose while covering her face with the tablet*
Mikey: "are you sure your ok? your face is red." she nods and he puts his shirt on and leaved the room then she quickly wipe her nose with a napkin.
Dokkaebi: (why can't i control myself?)

(Mikey POV)

He walks in the hallway and passed by his room almost completely done.
Mikey: (do they really care about me?)
he walks to the cafeteria and grabs his breakfast as soon he sat down ela grabs him and takes him to their room.
Mikey: "what are you both doing?"
Ela: "we need to talk."
Mikey: "for...?"
Ela: "its about zofia."
Mikey: "what about her?"
Ela: "you been avoiding her even me since you yelled at her."
Mikey: "she knows it."

Ela: "and why are you avoiding me then?" he was about to answer but he has a call from six.

Mikey: "yes ma'am?... understood, she's here as well... yes ma'am, we will be there." after hanging up he looks at ela.
Mikey: "we have a mission to debrief and we will discuss this later."
Ela: "fine." mikey and ela exits the room and goes to the debriefing room where vigil, dokkaebi, and zofia is in there waiting. except sitting with his sisters he sat between vigil and dokkaebi while ela sat next to zofia who is sad still.
Zofia: "did you talked with him?"
Ela: "was, then we were called."
Zofia: "we have to end this before its too late." ela nods and looks at mikey who is listening to six as she discussed about the mission.

(5 Hours Later at Oregon)

The team arrived at Oregon seeing swat vans and destroyed police vehicles in front of the house in the middle of dawn.
Mikey: "alright here's the plan, me and vigil will go to the other side of the house, while you ladys start from here, when i give the signal to breach we will regroup in the center of the house mostly in the meeting hall."
Dokkaebi: "alright, on me." bothe of the sisters followed while mikey leads vigil on the other side of the building and when they set breaching charges on the door mikey radios in the girls.
Mikey: "this is mikey, are you girls in position?" there's no response so he calls in again.
Mikey: "dokkaebi respond!" no response from her radio he became worried about his sisters.
Mikey: "ela, zoe?!" still no response from the radio.
Mikey: "we have to go, NOW!" vigil nods and blows the charges and they storm in guns blazing shooting down confused terrorists as they clear room after room searching for dokkaebi and his sisters.
Mikey: "ELA, ZOE WHERE YOU!" his madness came in and as the terrorist use a machete to slash mikey he grabs him and takes the machete away uses it to cut the terrorist's head off and drops it.
Mikey: *growl* GRACE!" he pulls out his sidearm and fired as he searches for the girls then he hears yelling upstairs so he follows the voices and kicks down the door and sees the horror.

(Dokkaebi's POV)

dokkaebi, ela, and zofia were captured from getting caught off guard as they were taken upstairs to see the leader and two terrorist by him.
WML: "so these are the ones that are supposed to take us down, team rainbow, a bunch of filthy whores."
Zofia: "fuck you." she was slapped my the leader and punch in the gut."
WML: "you talk when i tell you to bitch."
Ela: "don't you ever hit a woman especially my sister!" he punches her and knock her down to the ground.
Dokkaebi/Zofia: "ELA!" then he looks at dokkaebi and smiles.
WML: "oh what a pretty asian girl... perfect for my friend."
Dokkaebi: "what?" he turns to the second terrorist who looks confused and scared.
WML: "you hold her arms." one of them grabs dokkaebi and pins her down by her wrist while the second terrorist hesitates making the leader mad.
WML: "if you want to live you do what I'll say, come here." the terrorist walks to his leader following orders.
WML: "your going to rape her and if you stop your dead." he makes him go in his knees.
???: "no." the leader then beats him for not following orders as he takes dokkaebi's vest out while she screams.
WML: "SHUT UP!!!" he slaps her and tears her black tight shirt off.
WML: "do it." he pulls out his pistol and aims at the scared terrorists head. zofia and ela looks a them as they can't do anything to stop it.
Ela: "stay away from her you animal!"
Zofia: (im sorry grace.) as hope was lost the door was kicked out and they see mikey in front of the door looking in shock.

(Mikey's POV)

Mikey finds the girls but was in shock what he find.
Mikey: "DIE YOU PIG!!!" he pulls the trigger and kills the terrorist holding dokkaebi's wrist but his gun jams so he charged at the leader as he fired his pistol but it didn't stop him as he was tackled to the ground and picks him up from the throat digging through his throat as blood comes out.
Mikey: "DIEEEE!" he rips the leaders throat out before he drops him dead and looks at the last terrorist that dokkaebi is hugging him and vigil comes in and sees the sisters tied.
Vigil: "hang on." he approaches them and cuts the rope meanwhile mikey was looking at dokkaebi who holding the terrorist not letting go.
Mikey: "let him go."
Dokkaebi: "don't hurt him, he did nothing wrong, he's just a kid."
Mikey: "i know." he grabs him and pulls him up and asks him a question.
Mikey: "how old are you?" he was quiet but crying so he take off his mask and sees a young boy with his head bleeding.
???: "19."
Mikey: "how did you join or why did you join?" he suddenly cried as ela approached him hugs him giving him comfort.
Ela: "shhhh were here, it ok."
???: "my family is dead, they killed them and kidnapped my sister and forced me to join, i don't know where she is." then mikey looks at dokkaebi who is shirtless only wearing a bra so he takes off his jacket and gives it to her.
Mikey: "here, wear it." dokkaebi takes it and wears it.
Dokkaebi: "thanks." she felt warm wearing his jacket and turns to the
Dokkaebi: "is there anyone you know still alive?"
???: "No, there all dead just my sister." mikey then thinks of an idea.
Mikey: "do you want to join us?" he wipe his tears and looks at him.
???: "why?"
Mikey: "don't you want payback, justice, they killed your family and took your sister away, don't you want to save her?" mikey can see his eyes, burning in anger and hate for the white mask and gives him a answer.
???: "i do." mikey pick up the dead leaders gun and hands it to the guy.
Mikey: "what is your name?"
???: "my Korean name is choi yoo jin, but my American name is eugene choi."
Mikey: "alright eugene... come with us back to base... shit..." he suddenly collapses and zofia, ela, and dokkaebi came to his side and panic.
Zofia: "michal what wrong?!" he felt the pain between his stomach and chest touched it before looking at his hand that is bloody.
Mikey: "i guess he got me."
Ela: "grace radio for backup and medic!"
Dokkaebi: "on it." as dokkaebi calls for backup and medic, mikey grabs zofia's hand and looks at her as she was near crying.
Zofia: "don't go, not now!"
Mikey: "zoe... don't cry... im just... going to... faint." he became exhausted and blacked out.

(The reason why i did not post the story in because i forgot too, plus i was busy grinding Destiny 2. so thats all see ya late reader.)

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