Chapter 1

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I hate change.

I miss my dad.

Boredom is a thing...I really dislike it though. It makes me think about things I don't need to be thinking about. I understand that it has to be existent, because if not there would be no 'inspiration/thinking time'. Doesn't mean I don't question why it is, i mean seriously? I have nothing to do. I finished my homework, chores, I even did the dishes! Oh well, I could do my makeup. I do my makeup only when I'm bored, or if I want to feel pretty. I pull out my minimal amount of makeup. I don't have much, my mom and brother think I'm beautiful. If I were to say I agree I would be lying. I don't lie....unless for a reason.

I start to put on my lip gloss stuff. You know the type that dries after you put it on. That's my favorite because then it won't come off when I eat or something. My mascara doesn't show well under my glasses but I still put it on anyways.

Once I'm done I look in the mirror. The deep red lipstick looks sharp and the mascara barely seen as expected. My curly deep brown almost black hair is actually agreeing with me today. Very odd, cold, steel eyes stare back at me. If you really look at my eyes you can tell that there are hints of variations of blues. Body shape is a big deal lately in time but honestly I'm getting over it. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm skinny or fat, I'm curvy. Height can be a problem, being the tallest 'freak' in your school is okay if your not a girl. My caramel complexion looks like it's glowing because of the natural light streaming through my window seat.

I love my window seat, it's one of the last things my dad gave me. He knew I wanted one because I really got into reading around the age of thirteen. Two years ago as a birthday present he ordered construction for it. He never go to see the end product.

They came to make it three days after my birthday. The cushions are a maroon and royal purple mix. I love purple! If someone says they hate purple we can't know each other and if they push me we may fight. The curtains are white and purple they let light come through even though they are closed, but I have another layer behind them to make it dark if I want. My window itself is huge. The whole window overlooks the woods behind the house. Back there we have our big lush garden, black fire pit, some open yard, the dirty doghouse, and my old swing set. It should be getting fixed soon. My room-as you can guess- is purple. But it's not too deep, more of a plain purple. When it's dark it looks almost like a violet. I have artwork all over my walls and my desk that's in the corner of my room. My small TV sits on the entertainment council that holds my minimal PS3 games with my Skylander figures. I know most people think that they are for younger people or not entertaining but I still enjoy the game. The queen size bed takes up the diagonal corner from my desk and opposite of the TV. Next to my desk is the door to my closet. Space on the other side of my desk holds a large dresser with a large mirror on it with modern-day Polaroid pictures stuck in the sides. Dark brown wood covers the floor with a deep grey, super fluffy carpet. Pictures of the people I love and love me are in a collage on the wall above the side of my bed. Other smaller frames are around the room too.

My thoughts and looking around my room are interrupted by the sound of a rusting old back door opening. I immediately get worried 'No one is ever home this early. Is there an intruder? Should I arm myself?' The BB gun I always have hidden is seeming appealing to grab at the moment so I pick it up and load it. As I think about how much damage it could do I start to wonder if I could seriously hurt the person. I don't want to - I really don't - but they could possibly harm me or my loved ones. 'Don't want that, nope.'

I secure my right hand on the gun and open the door slowly with my left. For once I curse myself for putting more art on my door inside and out. It makes it pretty obvious that there is a young girl that lives in that room.

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