Chapter 5

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       The end of the school day did not come to me fast. My day was very tiring but the motivation I have daily was amplified now with Jack and Brian as friends. In Chem Brian was the only one I knew in there given before we met I was a loner. Then there are Jacks constant stream of goofy texts that I mainly didn't acknowledged, but it was kinda like he knew that I was having a hard time. I also knew he probably needed someone to 'listen' to the rambles as he recuperates from this morning.  I know a lot of people would think it's weird we already connected so well, but I feel like he is the long lost brother I never had. 
       The girls were normal. We all have half of our schedule together which I am beyond grateful to the school for. They are usually one of the only reasons I stay the whole day, let alone at the school at all. Now that I have new people to look forward to though, it feels pretty amazing to know more people can tolerate me. 
       At this moment I am currently sitting outside in the grass where there is some space between two football fields. I love the outside and the grounds behind the school are sports fields with forest beyond that. The sun is covered every now and again but it still shines through with resiliency. Green trees take over most of my vision, bark and animals pop in here and there for a little peek for my happiness. Sky's, the blue so faint but prominent simultaneously is...inspirational. The grass under me is so soft and plush it could be a perfect bed - if there only wasn't hard dirt underneath it. I can hear the rush of students leaving school. I would usually be right there with them any other day, but I need this. My mind needs to settle and I felt as though the calm forest was calling to me. The noisy kids with their cars started to ruin my serenity so I pull out my already hooked up phone and earbuds. Upbeat music starts to play; I now feel at home. Closing my eyes I breathe in the calm, soothing, but ever so exhilarating air of the free roaming outdoors. I sit there for a while longer with my eyes closed, breathing, and feeling the sun heat my skin so slightly. Once I open my eyes I see a black like shadow in the woods behind the fields that surround me. At first I feel alarmed but then I'm more curious than anything. 
        The creature is furry, big, and oddly still. It doesn't look to want anything, it seems to be observing more than anything. I look a little closer and come to realize that I am staring down a freaking wolf! 
       Why am I not scared? Why hasn't it attacked me yet? 
       As I keep watching the wolf it feels almost as if it is there for nothing but calmness. Don't ask me how I know that but I guess I just do. What catches my attention next are their eyes. They are a beautifully devastating blue. Not just some blue eyes, but it's like they hold...everything. There's lightning, hate, love, sky's, and everything between. I'm in an endless tunnel of that amazing variety of blue til' a hand touches my shoulder startling me. I let out a small squeak, it wasn't such a small one as I would like. Squinting as I glance up I find it is not just one person there but four. Jack, Brian, Echo, and Eila all stare back at me....with laughter in their eyes. "No, you guys do not get to laugh at me when I was in serenity and you frightened me out of it!" The boys hold in their laughs more as the girls just let it go knowing I won't do anything to any of them. A deep blush is trying to surface, it wins easily and makes everyone laugh now.
        Why did my blushing make them laugh? Oh right, because I'm the one that isn't very "blushy".
       "Well we came over to see if you are okay, it's been half a hour of us watching you just stare into the forest. What is so interesting in there that you were breathing fast then were so calm? That's why we came over by the way, we got a little worried," Eila was kneeling by me now once she was done. I scooted over to her and gave her a hug. 
        I smile to them all, "I am perfectly fine, I just got a little freaked when I..." My sentence cut short when I had a feeling to keep it to myself. For some reason I want the knowledge of this wolf be in only my possession. "It was nothing, I'm fine and if I could catch a ride home it would be really appreciated." Echo drove Eila to school today so she said she could drive me too. I catch Brian watching the forest too, when he looks back he looks right at me. It feels like he knows what just he understands. 
       I'm going crazy...oh my god.
       We all say goodbye to each other, give hugs, and drive off. Once we are all in the car, I'm in the back because Eila freaking pushed me from the passenger side door...may or may not be coming up with revenge. Anyways we all start to jam out to music that Echo chooses, because it's her car I don't complain. Eventually we get to my house and we all give hugs in the car - it was more like side hugs through the chairs. I get out and stand by the stairs leading to the porch as I watch the drive away as I always do. 
       Turning to my home I take a minute to remember some events that have happened on the worn down porch. It's covered with a couch and two chairs. The space is small but it is absolutely perfect for my family. Brown wood is what you see on the outside of my house  with a red trim, the porch has a nicely compatible gray but it needs another paint over. The chairs and couch are wicker with a dark blue cushion on to to sit on. Dark brown door is what greets all when they come to our house as well. 
       Unlocking the door I step in with my heavy backpack weighing me down. Nobody is ever home when school ends, so for the time being I'm alone. My shoes aren't really dirty because the day was dry. Though mom hates when anybody walks through the house with shoes on I don't right now because I keep my shoes with me in my room. I walk through to the kitchen and put my backpack on the island for some ease on my shoulders. Walking to the fridge I know what I want, some of the fruit dip mama made yesterday with apple slices. Grabbing the dip and slices I just made I take my backpack carrying everything with me to my room. Once in my room I put the food on my desk, put my backpack on the ground next to my desk, then my shoes in my closet. My closet is a slight walk in, you walk in about three feet. To the right is a more open space where I keep some storage and my shoes, but there is a little section I leave empty if I want to come in here and be alone. On the left of walking in is the rack that holds all my hanging things with a shelf above, it holds my extra art things and items I don't want to lose yet. 
        I go back to my desk and take out all of my homework. The classes I missed at the beginning if the day were kind enough to give me the homework I need and explain what I didn't learn with the class. There surprisingly wasn't too much that I missed, so once I finished I laid in my bed and turned on my entertainment system to watch Netflix.  I'm currently watching Gossip Girl for the fifth time; it never gets old to watch. As I watch another episode my eyes start to shut on their own accord. Within no time I fall in to the blackness of sleep.
       "Lux. Lux! LUX!!" Waking up to your mother screaming your name can be very annoying and unsettling. Gossip Girl is no longer playing, most likely because Netflix gave up on me being awake when I turned it on around three and it's now 6:23. I turn off my TV and get up while trying to find energy to not only face whatever my moms problem is, but also to attack going down/up the stairs. "Lux, get down here right now!!" I don't know why she is so upset right now but upon hearing her frazzled state I pick up the pace. 
       I'm hustling down the stairs as I ask, "Mom, what's the problem? Just so you know I was sleeping by the thanks." At the bottom of the stairs I watch as she turns to me and gives me a glare. She doesn't always enjoy my sarcastic remarks. Hmm, I wonder why?? Ya, ya, ya. Whatever, I knew what her reaction would be...though I knew that I still did it. Wow, I must be begging for a grounding.
        "Lux I'm really craving some Dairy Queen right now. I need you to go get some, yes you can get yourself something too." She knows I was going to ask if I could get something as usual but I actually have another question.
       "I was also going to ask what is for dinner given the fact that I haven't eaten in three hours?" As I'm talking she turns to the fridge and examines the contents. 
       "How about I make the last two Pizzas?"

       "Sounds good to me mom, you want the usual?" 

       Running up the stair to grab my shoes and keys I hear her answer. "Ya, just remember extra candy. Get trace his usual and whatever you want. Card's on the counter and be careful! It got dark early today, don't know why but it's almost pitch black already" 
       "Got it Mama, I love you. Be back soon!" With my shoes on, keys and card in and I go out the door. My beautiful car is a deep maroon colored Jeep. Corvettes are my absolute favorite cars, but they're really expensive. Jeeps come in  close second so I'm content. I hop in onto the tan leather seat and get everything situated. Not wanting to go backwards down the driveway I turn it around partly going into the yard. The drive to DQ is only about ten minutes and two songs later I arrive in the drive-thru. I order everything with two large fries to make mom happy, she loves her french fries. 
        As I sing along to Gold Digger  by Kanye West out of the side window I see a flash, like eyes of an animal. Shaking myself in hopes of getting the scared and bad feeling I have in me I keep driving. I will myself to only look forward wishing for the roads to go by faster. Unknowingly I start to speed...I'm now driving at 55mph. After just going over a hill I notice there is something in the middle of the road. 
       It's not moving, looking right at me. It looks like it knows I'm about to hit it and there's nowhere for it to be able to move fast enough. 
      I'm so sorry! I slam down on the brakes and try to not hit it.


       I just hit an animal....I feel sick to my stomach.

       Reaching for the handle I get out of the Jeep to find I didn't fully run it over but I did get its back leg and rear end good. There is blood oozing out of the wounds. I examine the rest of the creature.

       I RAN OVER A WOLF!! 

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