Chapter 10

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         "Lux, Lux I need you to wake up. I brought you something to eat." I hear a familiar voice say, but I have no want to listen or know who it is. I'm just so tired. Wait...that smell.
         Is that fries I smell? I start to open my eyes and find Celine holding a tray which holds a burger, fries, water, and a piece of what looks like cheesecake. Without a care in the world I take it from her just now realizing how hungry I am. I love food though too, so I just want my bae back. I am devouring the food and once I'm done with the burger-which needed more ketchup- in record time I look up to find Celine staring at me like she found a rabid animal. I get that look from a lot of people when they see me eat, so I just let it go and go to the fries. Once the main meal is gone I put the tray on the nightstand closest to me which would be on the left side. As I set it down I realize how dark the room is, it's night time and I havent even contacted anyone. I take the cake from the plate and lean back onto the headboard as I turn back to Celine. "I still need to contact everyone, What time is it?"
          She looks at me in disbelief before explaining, "You just ate all of less than five minutes. Are you sure you feel okay, a normal human wouldn't feel good right now?" I take a bite of the cake and close my eyes in happiness, this cheesecake is insanely good. I focus my eyes back onto Celine, "I always eat like that it's normal, we went to the doctors once when a family member got worried about me and the doctor said I was fine. It's just how I work, I guess. Now the time please?"
          "It's 9:32, you have been asleep for about six hours. I came in not long after I left to find that you found my secret Netflix I kept on the TV for you. I paused the movie and made you comfy. You should try to reach out now, the 24 hours that you have been gone are about to go out." Understanding that she meant that if my family went to the police the time for me to come back before they started a search was about to end. I get up bringing the cake with me and sit in front of the computer. It's new, there's no existing user so I log in as me. I go to my email immediately and start an E-mail to Mama.
"Hey Mama,

         I know you and Trace are probably very worried about me and I'm sure the girls are too. But I wanted to tell you I'm fine and safe. After you and Trace left the garage some things happened and I can't tell you the rest. I don't know if you found the note I left you but if you go into the garage you will find it. I need you to know I am perfectly fine. I don't know how long I will be away, but I need you to trust me. You have always trusted my decisions and been proud of me so be that now. I don't want you to try and find me or to blame anything on you. I need you and Trace to be okay. I need you to promise me you will be fine until I see you again. I can try to talk to you, Trace, and the girls as much as possible, but you need to know that I cannot tell you about the situation I am in. Don't fret Mama, I will be fine. You know me...always a work around. I love you ALL. So much. None of you are allowed to ever forget that! Once I see you all again I will explain, promise. Until then trust me.

                                                                                                             Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                                                  Lux Swenson"

          After sending it to Mama I try to calm my nerves but it doesn't work. I close the computer, which I just realized is similar to a rose gold color. I start to think, I hope they will believe me. Even if they don't see me while I am alive at least I will see them after life...right? I really hope so, Mom, Trace, Eila, and Echo are everything to me. I f I do die I would be happy and not suffering anymore, but I would hate that I never found someone to love me for me in a relationship. This is life know though, just need hope that it will work out in the end. My thoughts are interrupted by Celine taking my hand in hers for support I assume. But I currently do t want that, I just feel lonely and sad. Turning to Celine I politely speak, "I really appreciate your support but I really don't want pity and to feel sad right now." I take my hand away feeling bad that I'm the reason she looks so torn now. "But I would like if you could stay and watch the rest of Incredibles 2 with me and maybe another movie?" Celine face lights up as she stides to the TV set and turn eveeything on. I grin widely as she looks so happy.
          We both lay down on the bed - I'm on the left side closer to the door - while Celine sets everything up. We finish the movie around 11. Another three movies are watched, well by me anyway. Celine fell asleep on the second which was Ice Age: Continental Drift, I tucked her in my bed assuming she wouldn't mind sleeping in here. I picked another Disney movie, Penguins of Madagascar, because I love Disney movies like this. After maybe a quarter though I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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