Chapter 4

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It has been two hours now in this room and I am actually having a good time! Eila left for a test in second hour a hour ago. Echo is "in the bathroom" which probably means she is staring at pictures of hot guys in private. The other two guys AJ and Carter left as well for different reasons, but they mumbled a goodbye. Now its just Brian, Jack, and I. I can't say that I'm having a bad time, because they are very interesting and I'm starting to really enjoy their company. Brian just finished his embarrassingly hilarious story of losing his shorts to a bush (somehow) as sneaking out to a party right as some girls drove past. I am laughing so hard I start crying when Jack taps my shoulder for my attention.
"Why are you still in here? And why are you willing to be a...friend to me?" He looks like he us preparing to be punched and it only makes me want to be his friend more.
"Jack, look at me," I waited slowly as his eyes met mine. "Just because you did something bad today doesn't mean you can't do good anymore. I have told you I can relate to what happened and though it pains me to say, I can be a horrible person. But everyone can. I want to be your friend because I like you, and I want to see you be a better man. I believe in you, now I just need you to as well."
The room was quiet for what felt like years but was most likely just a minute. Before my mind could process Jack was hugging me. More accurately he was holding me captive as my arms were caged in. I heard a mumbled 'thank you' before i was let go.
I noticed Brian's goofy smirk before I spoke, "Well that got deep and weepy real fast."
Receiving laughs from them both I smiled. We were all having a good time til' someone decided to burst through the door behind me. Shocked but curious I turned the recliner around; standing in the doorway is a Greek God. I know a lot of girls describe guys like that, but I have never called anyone that. This man in front of me has dark brown almost black hair; it looks so soft and floppy on the top but clean cut on the sides too. I really want to know what it feels like, but I can't. His lips looks so soft, luscious-how can a mans lips look so good? Then his eyes, that was what made me melt inside right there. The most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. Ocean blue with hints of green, but there is also some gold with brown. The most exotic eyes I have ever seen are looking at me like I'm a lost treasure. Mystery mans features then change dramatically. He doesn't loose his nice and dominant demeanor, but he seems to have realized something he didn't know how to take. I have no idea how I can tell how he is feeling or reacting but I do. I take this time to look at the rest of him. Broad shoulders trail down to a wide but moderately shaped chest. His arms look so strong, but not too much. The light blue shirt he wears doesn't show his stomach but I'm pretty sure it holds a whole lot of muscle. Strong long legs clad in black jeans. Then his shoes - which make me happy - are converse. I say man, rock those converse!(I like converse😋) Honestly everything about him is just amazing, I wouldn't mind being with this man. Though that might not be a good idea given not only do I not know him but I have never really had a boyfriend before.
Jack and Brian are quiet while I check him out, that is until I realize I'm not the only one checking someone out. Mystery man is checking me out too. Can I just say...What!? This unbelievably hot guy is sizing me up! I don't know if I should like it or not. My body isn't ugly but it's not outstanding either. I'm sure he could do better. Thinking about this I turn around back to the boys to see that they look like they just got a slap to the face. I forget about mystery man for minute and give a giggle, "Are you two okay? You look like you just got a smack to the face." When they don't respond and just stare at me I continue, "I'm not sure if I should be worried or laughing at your ridiculous faces. If you don't stop staring at me I will actually slap you." They finally snap out of it but they still looked dazed, so I did something to make them stop. I thew my water at them. They didn't notice that I secretly grabbed my bottled water - this surprises me because they seem to observe everything. Once they feel the cold water on them they freak. Brian jumps up and looks everywhere for 'the culprit' while Jack yelps in a not so manly way and goes to take off his shirt. They both give me glares when they realize what just conspired. I was too busy looking at Jacks stomach though. Yes he has amazing muscles, but there is a bruise there. I stand up and move towards Jack. He shows uncertainty until he relaxes when I give him a smile.
When he is finally standing I inspect his stomach. Observing his facial expression I see the pain he is trying to conceal. I inspect his bruise seeing the discoloration coming in to his nicely tanned skin. As I go to touch the bruise I hear an animistic growl from by the door. I look to see Mystery man's angered expression. I exude confusion when he notices I see he is showing an internal struggle. He looked to be having a really hard time not lashing out as I'm just trying to figure out why the heck he started to have a problem all of a sudden. I watch as his eyes travel between Jack, his stomach, and me. In the end his eyes grow darker, maybe from the light, then gives me a small smile. And he just walks away, or should I say rushes. Traveling my eyes to the boys I can feel the tension in the air. That was one of the weirdest things I have witnessed, but I have a feeling I didn't expect-guilt. I can see Brian wants to go after him, "Brian, I don't know what just happened but go make sure he is okay and do whatever it is you need to do." After Brian nods to me he leaves the room. I can see that what just happened made Jack upset and he looks kind of remorseful. I just ignore it, I'm more worried about him-the bruise looks nasty. The pressure I inflict on the wound makes Jack hiss even though I barely touched him.
"Lux, please stop. I'm totally fine, I'll be as good as new in no time." Once he is done talking I glare at him.
"You are not fine. How did you even get this bad of a bruise? It looks fresh..." I keep probing at his wound as I try to think of something I know would leave a mark like this. When I realize what it is I go pale. "I...I did this, didn't I?" Jack opens his mouth as he looks like he didn't want me to connect the dots to the truth. I quickly shut him up, "You knew I hurt you this badly the whole time we talked, didn't you?" All he does is nod. "How could you even be around me and talk to me when I did this much damage to you? God, I didn't think I hit you this hard! I just threw a punch, I have never seen my punches have this much affect unless I was in a full on brawl! I'm so sorry Jack, I should leave now." As I rant my feet carry me towards the door for my shame filled escape.
"Lux, if you so much as step out that door I will hunt you down and put a snake on you!"
His threat makes me stop short of the door, "You wouldn't dare." My glare holds hostility, but I'm sure it shows my slight fear of the creature that is capable of strangling me.
"Oh, you know I would. Now get back here, sit and lets talk." Once he observes my resolution of doing as he says he puts his shirt back on. This doesn't happen without a wince from him and a grimace from me filled with guilt. Once I sit across from him like before he starts, "I didn't say anything nor point out my pain because we just became friends, I knew if you found out you would feel so guilty you would stay away from me. Which by the way I find odd given the fact you fight people, but then again you only do it when someone does something wrong." I give a little chuckle when he points out the contradicting sides of my personality. "I also want to bring up the fact that you did it for me to stop hurting someone and to give me a taste of my own medicine." Jack gazes down in regret and sadness. I feel so bad he did what he did.
"I know you regret what happened with Pete, but that still doesn't mean what I did was right. You didn't attack me."
He then looks straight at me. "I may not have attacked you but you stood up for the person I was attacking because they couldn't retaliate. Now drop it, I will heal and there is no way I am going to let you feel bad for doing the right thing when the only reason you feel bad about it is because we are now friends. I honestly would rather you have kicked my ass instead of just he punch. I really do deserve it."
"Jack look at me," his eyes lock with mine and I continue, "If I let this go you need to let go what you did. I may not fully understand why you did it but if you hold onto the guilt it could kill you. You need to let it go now and forever, the longer you have it the more it will harm you. I just got you as a friend, I can't lose that. Not now." By the end I'm practically pleading and I can feel the waterworks making an appearance. I watch as a now blurry Jack stands up and pulls me into a hug. I haven't cried in front of anyone but family-Echo and Eila are But this is oddly making me feel better. "I'm sorry, I" Jack cuts me off by picking me up and squeezing me. My cry then turn into laughter. "Jack let me go!" He doesn't listen, in fact he picks it up a notch by starting to twirl with me in his arms. When I stop protesting he finally lets me go and I can breathe.
"Don't ever apologize for showing emotion and letting them out. It needs to be done to feel better and heal. Now, we both let go. I promise not only to try and not blame myself...too much," he earns a slap to the arm for that one. "Ok, I will work on it. I also promise to always be there for you. I always did want a girl best friend."
I smile at him, "I agree to those terms, I will let go my guilt for hurting you. I have always wanted a guy best friend too, but beware Brian is in the rink with you on that." He just shrugs but I can see he likes the fact we are planning to be great friends.
Jack and I both agree that we should probably go to class now. I really don't want to but I can't skip the whole day or they would know I abused the privilege Nancy gave us. I ask Jack if he knows if Mystery man is okay and where Brian is. "Mystery man, as you put it, " he winks as I lightly blush surprisingly, "is fine. Brian went to calm him down. He got upset over something small and went for a run to chill out with Brian." I nod and we exit the room, say goodbye to the receptionist, then leave guidance. I try not to dwell on the fact that it's school time and they just went on a run. Why even a run? Once outside the door and into the long hallway I hug Jack, give him my number, and say goodbye. Walking down the hallway I stop shortly after our departure when my phone vibrates. An unknown number shows up with a message "Have a great day and don't forget about me!!😉😁 --J Dog" I turn around and witness Jack moon walking away from me, but then he winks at me before dancing down another hallway. Needless to say, it was Jack-or should I say J dog. I text him back quickly "Highly doubt I could forget those dance moves, J dog😂 I think I know what name I'm going to have you as now --Luxurious" I then change his name to Stalker - perfect.

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