Chapter 7

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        The wolf...girl makes a circle with her head slowly and weakly as if she is asking me to turn around. I just stand there, in the doorway still. She walks cautiously to me and reaches her head out to grab the clothes I hold. I'm not as frightened of her as one would think. They're not tall enough to reach where I'm holding the clothes so I lower my holding for her to grab it. Her muzzle moves closer to my hand with such minimal movement I think she might be scared of me. The moment her muzzle is two inches from the clothes I twitch, this causes her to jump back. I immediately feel horrible, I helped her but I also caused her pain.
        Now standing on the other side of the room I contemplate my options and I really want to help her. Upon this decision I enter the garage and walk to the middle very slowly to not startle her. Once there I set down the clothes and go back to the side I was at before. I watch as she approaches and gradually picks it up. I offer her a smile and then turn around so she can have privacy. It takes another couple of minutes of my back turned before I hear the sickening sound again and ruffling of clothing. My back is turned to a...I don't even know what she is. I could get stabbed and killed or something. But this girl is so young, I don't think she wants to. God she almost feels like a sister, I just want to keep her safe. WHAT!? Why do I feel this way? What about mama and Trace? My life is over, isn't it? At least I lived life...I guess. I wait until I hear a small whisper "You're good". I turn back around to see her smaller frame crunched, almost as if it is trying to hide itself.
        "I don't know why you're scared, I'm the one in a room with a wolf that could kill me. But either way please stop doing what you're doing. I don't want to bring harm to you, my name is Lux. Though I am sure you learned that as we were helping your injuries." The girl stares at me like she wants to believe I won't hurt her, but something is holding her back. I watch as she straightens her posture, I assume she might have had a pep talk with herself. Once she is standing straight and has a blank composure the girl starts to speak.
        "You are right, you're in a room with a werewolf that can kill you. You may say you wish no harm on me but many humans have tried. Yes I know your name is Lux, I'm Celine. I know it's weird and means moon, please don't make fun of me for it. " Once she's finished I hear a mumbled I've had enough of it to last a lifetime. I step towards her to give comfort when she looks back to me. "I know you are smart, you probably figured out that I have to take you to my pack now...I don't want to I honestly like you." She takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes, "But if I don't do this and you tell someone my pack and I could die because...just because. Please don't make this hard, I still haven't healed and I'm tired. Just please follow me, I really hope you don't die."
        The last piece she said surprised me, she doesn't know me and I did run her over, yet she doesn't want me to die. It takes me a minute to comprehend what she said. Celine waits patiently as I retain the fact that I may die tonight. My mind says to run, but my heart says to follow her. So that's what I do - I follow this werewolf to my possible death without hesitation. I know what everyone would be thinking "Stupid girl don't follow her! Don't do that run away and live!" But I feel that I can not only trust her but that where I'm going is something I need to see. Not to mention I'm just really curious.
        I walk to the door and open it, but when I turn around I see the mess that is still there. If this is my last day I need to tell my family one last time I love them. As Celine walks out the door I find some marker and leftover wood to write on - there's no paper in the garage. Quickly I write, "Mama, Trace, I love you both so much. Please don't worry about me, I hope to come back soon. If not, live life and know I always love you and wouldn't change you. Lovingly - Lux." I know that people wouldn't write to not worry about them, but I honestly feel I will see them again. I still want to run and cry, it's odd. Fighting the reality of this situation will surely have me dead. They will be fine. If I die then they will mourn me and I will see them again. I really don't want to die. But this is something I feel I have to do. Celine stays at least three feet from me at all times. We are walking quietly as I admire the woodland nature around me. I turn my head far to the right to see my house. Celine had us walk into the woods behind my house. I can almost still make out my window seat, the living room windows and the stairs leading outside on the side of the house. Being as dark as it is I can't believe I can make those objects out. My swing set, moms garden, and the whole back yard along with the house escape from view as we continue walking. Turning back Celine's face shows remorse, but the second I register the show of emotion she turns to the front again. The woods are so beautiful. I may not be able to see much of it in the darkness, but when the trees line up almost as if working together to show you the sky of astounding stars is...exceptional.
        Half a hour, 30 minutes, 1800 seconds. That's how long I keep my mouth shut, I am not a person who exercises and if I do it's on my own terms. "Wherever you are taking me best be coming up soon because I don't do this sort of thing. I am not a sports, sweat, and bugs person." Celine looks me up and down as if assessing me.
        "Really? Then how do you look so...never mind." Her statement left me curious, what did she mean? I'm gonna let it go for now because this separation that she is adamant about is getting on my nerves for some reason.
        Speeding up to walk right next to her I put my arm out to get her attention, "I know I'm the one who should be scared of you and I don't know why I'm not. But for goodness sake you trying to stay away from my is making me feel like I did something horrible. Now that I think about it though I did run you over..." She stands in front of me staring at me. I watch as she takes a deep breath before blowing my mind even more this night.
        "I have already forgiven you for that, I am very grateful for the fact that I am not dead. That Lux is because of you, you wanted to save me and in your actions during the accident I am still living. I watched as the sadness and distress of what you were about to d crossed your face. Plus you and your family did everything in their power to heal me. Though you did that I just had to change that's why I'm no longer bleeding, just in some pain." As she talks she motions with her hands and I find it along with the subject entertaining as we keep walking - closer this time. "I don't know if you remember but not too long ago I said that if I don't bring you to my pack we would all die most likely. That's because of the Huntsmen, they think that werewolves are the enemy when all we want to do is live in piece. Some of us like to branch out into the world, but all in all it's just in what we decide or want. We never cause trouble unless provoked or lesser reasons. Werewolves have a hard time trusting humans because if they tell them who they are the human could accidentally tell the wrong person or be the wrong person. Then the usual ending is the death of some to most sometimes all of the pack..." The end of her explanation drifts off like she wanted to say more. My mind is attempting to comprehend all of the information. It's a lot to take in but once I have most of it chambered I turn to her hoping she will continue.
        "One of those examples is my auntie..." I watch as her face first smiles slightly which makes me happy. Her smile is beautiful like her in general. The smile is cut short with a grimace that has me sad but intrigued again. "When she first met her mate he was her best friends new boyfriend. They instantly got together and fell madly in love. Aunties friend acted as though she was ok with this though, she knew auntie was going to meet her mate soon. She knew auntie is a werewolf...but as time went on she grew more and more bitter and angry. She went to her father and told him everything, something she didn't know though was that her dad was a huntsmen who knew how to kill us. He and some of his friends came to my pack and killed seven people including aunties growing baby. I was to have a cousin but they shot auntie in the stomach one month before her delivery. We call the baby miracle because auntie wasn't supposed to survive all the pure silver that got into her blood stream but miracle somehow took all of it and kept the silver in their body til they had to be taken out. Auntie and uncle were horrible for the longest time, they only finally got back to each other when daddy helped them see how blessed they are to have one another." Celine abruptly stopped and I turned to see her staring back at me surprised. "I haven't been able to talk to anyone about that before, everyone has their own ideas on it and I don't like to talk about it. It makes everyone feel sad, but I've always wanted...needed to talk about it. are the only one I have ever told or had to tell how I feel. Thank you."
        Astonished I watch as her eyes water most likely from not only the realization but because of the memories. Cautiously I step towards her and open my arms for a hug. Patiently I wait for her to return the favor but when she instead crashes into me, gripping onto me as she cries I stumble. She fits perfectly into my hold and it feels like a hug I would imagine would feel to hug a younger sibling. "It's okay Celine, life may be hard but talking about it is best. You need to let out your emotions. I'm sure miracle is in heaven right now smiling. You and all of your family remember what happened and the pain but remember miracle is now at peace, happy they could save their mom." I squeeze Celine as she reciprocates the favor.
        Letting go of her we start walking again. I hold her closer and stay quiet as her sniffles fill the air. I feel a slight shift in the air, like how you feel when you know another person is near or looking at you. It makes me uncomfortable, but it doesn't seem Celine noticed so I let it go. I know my mistake of disregarding my feeling the moment I watch as three wolves and two men run towards us. In a second of time I realize they aren't looking at us but me. I watch as the wolves circle us as one man rips Celine from me. She is trying to yell and tell them everything, but none are listening. Her body flails as she attempts to fight the man who holds her, her small frame is no match for him though, he is huge. The other man stands in front of me outside the death circle of three wolves. The three growling all look about the same size one light, another a little lighter, and the last is so dark I can barely see it. Remember I decided to follow her, if I die it's because of these decisions. Well I did know I most likely would die, at least I think it will be fast. They look very angry and...hungry. Lux, even if you die it's ok you can see daddy again then. I don't want to die but if that's whats planned for life then so be it. No, this isn't how I want to die, I want to do more. During my pep talk - if you can call it that - the circle and man get closer and closer til the man is a few feet away. I feel my anxiety and panic attacks, that I thought were gone, start to rise again. I feel myself heaving for breath and swaying as the world starts to tilt. The mans features show indecision on what to do. I look to Celine, she busts through the mans arms as I turn to her. My vision gets darker and darker. The air feels thinner and harder to reach as I fall. Celine catches my head right before it hits the ground. How did she get past the wolves? The two men stare as I start hyperventilating, the wolves nowhere to be seen. Celine is talking but I can't hear her. Am I going to die?
        The last thing I see is a familiar dark figure starting to run towards me.

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