So masturbation isn't a sin!?

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Mika, the Ameriboo I was telling you guys about, just so happens to be the loudest and absolutely loves marriages so you can imagine her surprise when I told the girls what happened last night.

"That's excellent news, what did you say? Did you say yes?" Ringo asked with anticipation.

I finished drinking my apple juice and answered with a weird grin.

"I said yes. wedding is in 5 months." I said as low as possible. The girls went into a uproar and caused a scene, but as mothers and motherly figures do, Ringo got the other two calmed down enough to have a civil conversation.

"Look at the size of that fucking rock!" Said Han amazed by my ring. "I know that must've cost an arm and a leg."

"Actually, Kira's dad helped put up some money for it so it really didn't cost us all that much. I'm honestly speechless and didn't know how to respond at first."

Ringo finishes her drink and takes a deep breath. "I think it's great that his parents are helping out with this. You're a great young woman with a lot going for yourself so it's not hard to say that you have their favor. Besides, you're going to give them a healthy grandchild someday."

When Ringo had brought up the fact that I was eventually going to become a mother, I froze. How could I become a mother without first knowing what the art of sex was? An act that I shunned my entire life in order to keep myself pure was going to be something that I was going to have to perform. It shook me to the core.

"Earth to Miu!!" Han said. "You ok in there?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm just thinking about something..." I responded as I stirred my soup around.

"It's sex isn't it?" Ringo asked with a grin on her face. "You poor baby. Come here and let me look at you."

Moving closer to her outstretched arms, my body is overcome with such warmth and love. This is a feeling that only two people in my life...those people being my mother and Ringo. I guess Ringo is my mom on the go, but I guess it's to be expected since she has kids of her own...I love her so much.

"I propose we help her out, girls." Ringo proposed.

"Oh, what do you have in mind? It's not like we can just force ourselves upon her." Said Mika as she started eating her toast.

"No, no. We immerse her in the culture in our own ways. She can choose who she wants to start with and we show her the ropes." Ringo said.

I blushed to remember my lustful imaginings from last night.

"Please don't mention ropes, it's bringing back some...sultry memories." I told her.

I look up and see a twinkle in Han's eyes. She slams her hands down on the table knocking over the salt and pepper. "How about you come with me and I'll teach you all you need to know about sex! I'll show you all of the literal in's and out's of sex."

We all stare at her until Ringo starts to speak. "You're not going to take her to that "Empire" place, are you? That place is a den of nymphos and people who have nothing better to do with their lives." She said looking quite unamused.

"Have you actually been there, Go-Go?" Han responded

"No, but you do so it can't be all that great. By the way, don't call me Go-Go....that was a dark time in my life alright?" Ringo wiped her glasses with a napkin to clear it of the steam that fogged it up.

"I'll do it. I'll go with Han and have her teach me." I said softly. I was really nervous about taking her up on her offer considering how wild she was. Han has always been a huge slut, but I couldn't shame her for doing something she loved....however I knew that she was too extreme and that I had to work my way up to her level if I wanted to be ready for Kira.

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