The Wedding Bells Toll

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After spending the last remaining free time I had taking more lessons from Ringo, Han, and Mika; the day had finally come. The day where I would become Kira's wife. I would explain how beautiful the scenery of the wedding was, but that's not what you guys came here to read. You came here to see how I ended up getting my pussy completely totaled....then again, I am the romantic type so I can spare a few details.

The venue was absolutely gorgeous, food came in from other countries, the decorations were spot on to my specifications, Kira's seating arrangements were perfect. The best thing about this whole day was that I finally got to call myself his wife....though we did have a bit of a mishap before we got there.

"How did your dress rip, sweetheart!?" Ringo said looking quite disappointed.

"I don't know, I put it on and it rips a bit in the back," I responded.

"A bit!? I can see the entirety of your ass, Miu." Mika said finding this situation to be somewhat amusing.

The truth was that I had been exercising daily to maintain a good shape ever since my lessons from Mika started. It included squats which I guess made my butt bigger somehow. Long story short, I couldn't fit into my dress and there was only one hour left until it was time to walk down the aisle.

"Hanabi, go get your father." Ringo commanded. Her daughter runs out of the room leaving us to ourselves. Han makes a call and explains the situation to whoever is on the other end.

"Alright, don't worry guys. I called one of my daughters and they should be on their way to fix you up with a new dress." Han said.

"How did you manage to do that?" Mika questioned.

"I have multiple dresses that look exactly like that and one of them just so happens to be a snow-white dress." She answered. "You're just a little bigger in the back is all."

"Well, after today, I'm gonna need more cushion back here." I said as I smiled in the mirror.

"Ooooh! Someone's got plans after the wedding, huh?" Mika said while making a smug face.

"I might."

Haru came through the door looking quite handsome in his black suit. It could barely contain his muscular physique or overwhelming aroma. Every time I saw him, I couldn't help but think of the training sessions at Ringo's house. The image of Ringo's gaping asshole flooded with his thick and potent seed couldn't be erased from my mind. Unable to stare directly at him without losing my train of thought, I continued to look forward while biting my lip shuffling my feet.

"What's the problem?" He asked in a bit of a panicked state.

"I just need you to buy us some there something wrong out there?" Ringo questioned.

"Ah! No, there's nothing wrong. Hanabi just seemed very alarmed about something and said you needed me. I rushed here as fast as I could to get to you." He explained in a calmer and oddly seductive voice.

"You came rushing to me, huh? Look at my big strong hubby coming to his wife's rescue!" She says with glee in her voice. I didn't want to look back, but I could tell that Ringo had that look on her face whenever she talks about Haru. That silly smile that melts even the coldest of hearts.

"Kira isn't ready either so this works out well for us on the groom's side. Somehow, someone got coffee on his suit so we're dealing with that." Haru explained.

"Who's idiot that do that?" Han asked.

"We don't have a clue, but the issue is being resolved." Haru said. "Damn! What happened here?"

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