Does this make me look like a slut?

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The middle of the day brings the normal hustle and bustle as usual which is always pleasant to a city girl like me, but today, I didn't have time to pay attention to it since my mind was else where. I decided to take on Mika as my next teacher which I thought was going to be some American nonsense that she would keep telling me over and over again, but this little journey surprised me from start to finish.

"Mika, where are you taking me?" I asked her while she focused on the road.

"Have you never heard of sex shops? They're everywhere if you look hard enough." She replied.

"I had never really thought to look before now. It's always been the sort of thing I avoid." I uttered.

Mika was going to take me to my very first sex shop to get me saturated in the sexual world. I had thought it was to simply pick up a preorder, but of course, it became an adventure.

She parks her car in a lot and takes me into a shop named "Lilith". Despite its name, it was surprisingly bright and colorful inside and it smelled really nice.

"Hey, Denki, is my order here yet?" Mika ask.

"Yeah, came in earlier. Let me get it for you." He replies.

I watched as he went into the backroom to retrieve her order and he comes back with a nice sized box.

"Do you want to use one of the rooms to try it out?" He asked.

"No thanks, but I want to introduce you to a close friend of mine. Her name is Miu and she's pretty new to the world of sex so I'm trying to teach her in my own way." She explains.

I became a little embarrassed when Mika began explaining my situation, but the embarrassment faded when I remembered yesterday's events.

"Hey, Miu, what would you be interested in trying here today?" Mika asked me as she looked around.

"Um...I don't know really. There's a lot to choose from and besides, I don't think I'm ready for all of this, Mika. Couldn't we try something more...tame?"

"This is as tame as I can possibly get. Have you ever heard of something called Garterbelt?" Mika asked with those glowing green eyes of hers.

A little backstory on Mika and why she is the way she is. It was in middle school when her parents took her on a trip to the US during a break where she was exposed to some very sensual things. She had witnessed her father cheating on her mother with an American prostitute, which she still keeps a secret to this day. The way she described the woman's apparel, it looked exactly like all the whorish clothes in the store. I think because of that, Mika has become Absolutely obsessed with these kinds of clothes...and for good reason. I should honestly buy more of these since...oh I almost spoiled the rest of this adventure for you all. Ugh, just let them see for themselves, Miu. Ok, on with the show.

"You think Kira is into this sort of stuff? He's never said anything about it before, but I don't know any man that wouldn't love to see his beloved in clothes like this." Said Mika looking through the selection.

"Kira isn't lewd like this. I'm sure what I have on now is enough to turn him on just fine." I replied.

"Yeah, sure. Business clothes really gets his boat going. Look, I'll order a fitting room and you just wait until I get there, ok?"

Once again, I had become the victim of my friends pushing me into shit I didn't want to do, but I put up a lot less resistance than I normally would've. Perhaps it was because of Ringo's lesson from yesterday that I've become a little more open to the idea. It was just the push I needed to get started. Mika had ordered a fitting room for me and there I sat for a good 15 minutes until...

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