1 2 | B L A C K M A I L

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1 2 | B L A C K M A I L



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My favorite Hitchcock film is Blackmail.

I don't know, there's something to be said about Alice. I can relate to her. Young, naive, and unwilling to be turned into a victim. 

She fights back.

Not your typical 1920's girl. 

Joe says his favorite is Psycho. Hitchcock modernized and validated the horror genre with it, but in the back of my mind I can't help but think it's overplayed. 

If I'm being honest, I'm a little disappointed in Joe for picking something so mainstream. 

But watching it with him is like seeing it again for the first time. Everything so shiny, and new, and exciting. So, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Joe might not be able to say the same. 

I'm not a silent movie goer. My commentary dominates the experience. Shrieking through the many twists and turns, demanding to not only be heard, but listened to by the people on screen.

I wish I was charming enough to have my own monster-movie podcast, but truth be told I'm annoying as hell. Or, at least that's how most people view me. The exception being Evan.

So this little all-day date is a test for Joe: will he be amused by my obnoxious mannerisms? Or run for the hills?

Usually, two movies is the limit. But he's determined to sit through more. In fact, he joins in to the point where we're both screaming at the characters, freaking out over their stupid decisions. 

Eventually, our ravenous stomach demand sustenance. We decide to break for lunch, checking off the Hitchcock Bucket List and consulting the internet for more options, agreeing on the ones neither of us have seen.

We continue the list until our eyes throb from too much screen time. Joe wonders if I'm done with him, but in truth I just need to rest my eyes. Instead of kicking him out, I give him a book. We put on a record, sip some tea and take a break until we're ready for round three.

Two more flicks and we realize our legs are numb from being unproductive slugs. Fearing the cold, I suggest my favorite rainy day activity: Just Dance. By miracles of miracles, Joe goes along with it. And he might've been good, if I wasn't a skilled professional and crushed his spirit REPEATEDLY WITHOUT MERCY!

We follow the avatar, laughing at our stupid mistakes. He's a sore loser who uses dirty tricks and tickling to take control. Little does he know, this Georgia girl has some fight in her. I can tickle with the best of them. And throw pillows, of course.

We're having too much fun, but once again the hunger pangs hit us. I prepare a casserole, and we snack on chips until it's time to eat. Around this time, I realize it's definitely going to snow. But...Joe doesn't seem to think it's a big deal. I don't know if he thinks I'll let him stay or if his inner New Yorker doesn't fear white flakes of doom like this Southern Bell, but panic starts eating away a my insides.

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