On The Following Day (Part 1)

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Inside Jaden's bedroom, with everyone (Heba, Joanna, Tea, Yuugi, Yubel, Serenity, Tristy, Anzu, Ryou, Malik, Mahado, Atem, Seto, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Jesse, Johan, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Marik, Ishizu, Yusei, Jack and Carly)...

"Can all of you (Heba, Joanna, Tea, Yuugi, Yubel, Serenity, Tristy, Anzu, Ryou, Malik, Mahado, Atem, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Jesse, Johan, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Marik, Ishizu, Jack and Carly) except both my big brother Seto and my own beloved Yusei, leave my bedroom now, please?", politely asks Jaden, in front of everyone. "Okay, Jaden. We are leaving your own bedroom now", happily say others (Heba, Joanna, Tea, Yuugi, Yubel, Serenity, Tristy, Anzu, Ryou, Malik, Mahado, Atem, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Jesse, Johan, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Marik, Ishizu, Jack and Carly).  

After others (Heba, Joanna, Tea, Yuugi, Yubel, Serenity, Tristy, Anzu, Ryou, Malik, Mahado, Atem, Seto, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Jesse, Johan, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Marik, Ishizu, Yusei, Jack and Carly) leave this same room...

Heba, Joanna, Tea, Yuugi, Yubel, Serenity, Tristy, Anzu, Ryou, Malik, Mahado, Atem, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Jesse, Johan, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Marik, Ishizu, Jack and Carly quietly get out of Jaden's own bedroom, one by one. But, all of them are deliberately trying to overhear the main conversation among Jaden, Seto and Yusei through the door lock keyhole while patiently standing along the same long corridor. Unfortunately, all of them can't hear this whole conversation from the same door lock keyhole.   

"Both big brother Seto and my darling Yusei, I am really feeling both very insecure and sad towards my final decision of doing this foursome wedding. But, I love both Yusei and Jack a lot. I can't sincerely tolerate to share both of my two husbands between me and another woman forever", sadly says Jaden back while continuously crying a lot, in front of both Seto and Yusei, at the same time. "Hi, Dragon. Can you please leave your mobile phone while talking with my own sister Jaden?", politely asks Joanna. "Yes, sure, I will do it for you, my puppy", replies Seto.

Heba, Joanna, Tea, Yuugi, Yubel, Serenity, Tristy, Anzu, Ryou, Malik, Mahado, Atem, Mark, Melvin, Yami, Jesse, Johan, Mokuba, Duke, Bakura, Marik, Ishizu, Jack and Carly, all of them are patiently listen to this whole conversation among Seto, Jaden and Yusei, through Joanna's own mobile phone, in loudspeaker mode, within the same living room while quietly sitting on all of these four couch set together. "Thanks, Joanna for this", happily whisper both Jack and Carly through Joanna's both ears, at the same time. "Ssh...Listen to it carefully", says Joanna. 

"Hey, please stop crying now, Jaden. Both me and Jack will legally marry to only you, on 2nd October 2012. It will be a threesome wedding instead of doing a foursome wedding", politely says Yusei while happily comforting his love Jaden back, in front of his own future brother-in-law Seto. "Thanks you, my would be brother-in-law Yusei for patiently comforting my younger sister Jaden over this serious matter, in the correct way", happily says Seto while continuously hugging his would be future brother-in-law Yusei, at the same time.

After ending this whole conversation, as soon as, Seto immediately removes the loudspeaker mode on his own mobile phone, he deliberately texts his own beloved Joanna, in order to inform her about this threesome wedding will be among Jaden, Yusei and Jack and this wedding will be held on 2nd of October of this year (2012). After reading this message properly, Joanna happily allow everyone to read Seto's message, through her own mobile phone, one by one. "I'm very sorry about this, Carly", sadly says Jack while trying to comfort a crying girlfriend Carly, at the same time. 

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