Pride Parade (VII)

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A/N: For anybody who read the last chapter before I updated it (I updated it 2/26/2019) , go read the last sentence again. I changed it because I wanted to make this more aNgStY. You can blame Juliana for that. ;)

Also, sorry if this chapter is kinda inaccurate. I've never been to a pride parade. 


It was Sunday, the day of the pride parade. Alex, Laf, and Herc had a plan. They were going to trick John into coming to the parade. This would be the perfect time to get him to come out. 

All three drove to John's apartment, and then they sent Alex up. Alex thought this was a bad idea since John was probably mad at him, but Herc and Laff just shared annoyingly knowing looks before telling him to go up anyway.

Alex took the elevator up to the eighth floor and went to the door of what he hoped was John's apartment. He wasn't completely sure, since the last time he had been here he had been having a panic attack.

He knocked on the door then swore he had just heard a moan from inside. Well that's hella awkward.

A shirtless and slightly red-faced John Laurens answered the door. 

"What do you want?" He asked, and the words were obviously meant to sound harsher than they actually did.

Alex couldn't help but notice that 1. John was muscular, and it turned out the smattering of freckles on his face didn't stop there, but continued to trail down onto his shoulders and even a bit of his chest.  2. John looked almost...relieved? Alex shook off the notion quickly. "Herc, Laff, and I wanted to know if you'd come hang out with us?"

Spending time with his coworkers on the weekend? That was not an ideal use of his day to John, but his only other option was to spend more time with Alexandra, who he already hated despite her good looks - as in he thought she looked good because she looked similar to- no, John, you're fucking straight, Jesus Christ. 

"Fine." Was his reply and he shut the door without another word. Alex waited awkwardly outside for about 10 minutes, and during that time he heard another moan, then the sounds of two people arguing.

John finally emerged with his a variation his usual "edgy" outfit - a dark grey shirt, a green flannel, black jeans, and a black beanie - and Alex still couldn't ignore the fact that John looked a little relieved. 

Once they were a safe distance from the door, Alexander piped up, "So you don't like your new girlfriend?"

This received a signature John Laurens eye roll. "She's fine."

"You look relieved that I saved you from having to hook up with her." Alex pointed out.

"I'm not relieved, I honestly just don't care."

"Classic Laurens." They approached the car, and parted so John could get in on the right side and Alex could get in on the left. 

"Bonjour, Johnny." Laff chuckled as he adjusted one of the mirrors a little and turned the key in the ignition. 

"Hi. And it's John."

The rest of the car ride into the city, John didn't contribute to the conversation much. Actually, he didn't contribute to the conversation at all until a wave of realization hit him.

"Are you guys taking me to the pride parade?" He wasn't angry. He should be, because they're implying he's gay, but he wasn't angry because... well, never mind that...

"Oui." Chimed Laff as he pulled into a parking space. 

The four got out of the car and went to the trunk, where Laff had flags for each of them. He handed Alex a pink, purple, and blue flag. He handed Herc a pink, yellow, and blue flag. In his hands he still had a rainbow flag. No, two rainbow flags. He handed one to John.

John took it without an eye roll. Rainbow could mean ally, right? Which is what he was, an ally. Not gay. Definitely not gay.

"You've literally never felt attraction to a single woman." Said a little voice in the back of John's  head. He promptly forced that little voice to shut the hell up.

We went towards the parade, filed with tons of rainbow flags and other multi-colored flags. John had to admit, it was nice to be surrounded by accepting people for once, not ones that would hit him if he accidentally let it slip that he thought a boy in his kindergarten class was cute. 


A/N: I can't stop writing in first person, wtf? I literally wrote half this chapter in first person, then had to go back and change it. That might be a side effect of writing at 3:40 AM.

Also, here's an embarrassing story time! My phone wasn't working, so I borrowed my friend's since she was asleep, but she was taking up the whole bed so I moved to lay on the ground. While doing so, I accidentally woke her up but I hadn't realized it. So I was reading lams fanfic on her phone, but I started to get tired so I went into her search history to delete it, because she would definitely judge me if she found out I was reading fanfic. Anyways, it turns out she was awake because while I was deleting the search history one by one, (I had been skipping between stories because a lot of them weren't very well written) she said "You know there's an easier way to delete each history right?" So I just turned off the phone and sat it on the corner of the bed without saying anything. -_-

That happened like 10 minutes ago, and now I'm writing Lams fanfic instead of reading it on my computer. And I can't freaking s l e e p. Wish me luck lol.

I don't know why you would wish me luck.

Goodnight. <3

P.S. She's probably going to tell her other friends that she caught me reading fanfic smh. At least I don't read smut. 

P.P.S. I had this whole chapter written ages ago but for some reason never uploaded it? Sorry about that! I'm not sure if I'll be updating on this story much more or not, hopeful it's the former and not the latter.

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