John's Pissed (VIII)

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It was 8 A.M. on a Monday morning, and John was pissed.

Which was, honestly, not anything new for him. John Laurens was pissed off most of the time.

But this time, it was because of a certain Thomas Jefferson, who did not seem to know how to just fucking let something go.

"It was nice seeing you at the parade this weekend. Glad you finally came to your senses." Thomas smirked and twirled his straw around in his iced coffee. (It was too hot for warm coffee.)

John gripped the sponge he was using to scrub viciously at a particularly stubborn sticky spot on the counter that he'd been trying to get rid of for 15 minutes now more tightly. "I was there as an ally, Jefferson."

Thomas rolled his eyes dramatically and brought a mortally offended hand to his chest. "Jefferson? I thought we would be on first name basis by now, Johnny. Especially given our history."

"Goddamnit, why does everyone insist on calling me that? My name is John. And I don't know what history you're talking about."

"Oh, please John. Junior year of high school, two gayest guys on the football team maki-" John shoved a peanut butter cookie into Thomas' mouth to shut him up. He secretly hoped Jefferson was allergic to peanuts.

"Don't make shit up."

Thomas finished chewing the delicious cookie that had been harshly shoved into his mouth -- and alas, had not showed signs of any allergies -- and swallowed. "You know damn well I'm not making shit up, Laurens. I don't see why-"

The bell above the door jingled merrily. John gave Thomas a death glare before turning to make the usual drink he gave Aaron Burr, who had just walked in, donning an expression of relief as he escaped from the sweltering heat outside into the cool air conditioning of the coffee shop.

Burr walked up to the counter and sat on the stool beside Thomas, looking absolutely exhausted once John could see him up close.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Thomas poked Burr's elbow that was propped on the counter, which he promptly moved away.

Just then, James rejoined Thomas after coming out of the bathroom. "Are you being mean again, Toms?"

It was adorable to see how clearly and utterly Jefferson was in love with Madison. The moment James walked over, his expression softened visibly. 

"Of course not, I'm just asking Burr why he looks like hell."

"Sounds like you're being mean to me." James shrugged and bit his lip to hide an amused grin.

"Stop being all couple-y, you two." Burr muttered darkly, a tone much harsher than what anyone besides Burr would've deemed necessary.

"Sorry, I'll just not shower my boyfriend in affection every waking moment of my life." Thomas replied sarcastically, as if that would be 100% impossible for him to do. James ducked his head and his cheeks reddened almost imperceptibly. 

"You do that. And if you're wondering why I look like this, then.." Burr sucked in a sharp breath, as if that would stop him from spilling his secrets to the tall, nosy, fluffy haired man sitting beside him, which it did. "Too bad." He lifted and dropped one shoulder, then thanked John quietly and paid for his drink. And with that, the enigmatic Aaron Burr was out in the heat again.

"Hmph." Thomas pouted and John rolled his eyes.

Alexander walked into the shop, nearly two hours late, his face red and forehead slightly shiny  from the high temperature. "Hey.." He was behind the counter and his apron was on in one swift movement.

"Why're you late, Ham? Laf is pissed." John watched as Thomas and James retreated to a booth in the corner of the shop, Thomas with his drink and James with a chocolate cake pop. 

Alex shrugged and didn't respond, an odd move for him. A John move. He took the order of the next customer. 

John moved closer to him, the role of being closed off was being taken by Alexander, so now John had to be the nosy one. "Dude." 

John's not very good at being the nosy one.

"Dude." Alex echoed flatly as he ran a hand through his messy hair and rubbed at his eyes that had such dark bags underneath, they almost looked bruised. 

"Dude, what's up with you?" John began on a vanilla iced latte.

"Nothing." Alexander dodged the question as he dodged John and began pumping caramel into a drink.

John understood what it was like to not want to share things with nosy coworkers, so he dropped it. "Hm. Sure."

The passive aggressiveness in John's tone made Alex think that he, in fact, was not dropping it. He rounded on John. "You really want to know?" Alexander's tone was a bit harsher than he had meant for it to be.

"I guess."

Alex chewed on his lip for a moment and sighed, it seemed as if he had the same idea as Aaron that exhaling would help him keep his secrets. "Never mind."

"Jesus Christ, Alexander. Make up your mind. Are you telling me or not?"

"Eliza and I-"

John cut him off quickly with a slight shake of his head. "Oh. Never mind then, I don't want to hear about your dates with her."

"They aren't dates! At least, they weren't supposed to be..."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Eliza and I went out to the bar last night and um, she came home with me."

John bristled and took a small step away from Alexander. "Didn't need to know that." He grumbled, and took the next customer's order.


They didn't speak for the rest of the day.


It was 4:30 in the afternoon on a Monday, and John was pissed. As previously mentioned, this was nothing new.

But this time, he had a good reason to be pissed.

'He fucked her. Great. Whatever. I don't care. I don't like her, or him. So whatever. I don't care.' John thought saltily as he shoved his sketchbook in his bag, ready to head out early as always.

But he did care.

And the next day when he came into the blissful air conditioning of the coffee shop, his sleeves were rolled down again.


A/N: So I'm writing this story again! We'll see how long that lasts lmao.

I'm in a weird in between state where I don't really listen to musicals, but I'm still a part of the fandom, so I'm not sure if I'll want to keep this story up.

However, I'm pretty sure lams will always have a special place in my heart, especially because it was the first ship I ever read fan fiction about. Actually, I had never read fan fiction whatsoever until I got into Hamilton. 

And the dynamics of lams are just so adorable, it's hard to give it up even now that I don't listen to Hamilton.

Do you guys think it's weird to be a part of the fandom even if you don't really listen to the musicals much anymore? Leave your answers in the comments :)

See y'all later, bye! <3

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