Dopamine! Seretonin! (XVI)

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a/n: ok, it's over a year later, i'm so far out of this fandom i nearly forgot about this story, and uh... well, i don't have any way to finish this list.

but! i found a chapter that i never posted in my notes app, and this story has a little bit of potential, so just for y'all i'm gonna wrap it up. :)



Alex rushed out of the coffee shop and down the street, with no real idea of where to start looking. He realized after walking around aimlessly for 10 minutes that Lafayette was right, they had just fought, and there would be plenty of time to make out later- make *up* later... nope, make out later.


John admired the small new tattoo that adorned his shoulder for a few moments before fist bumping the same tattoo artist who always did his tattoos, Angelica Schuyler.

"Thanks, Ange. It looks great." He said, trying to keep his voice flat and emotionless, like fucking always. 

"No problem... so, what does it mean? Or is that too personal of a question for the mysterious John Laurens?" Angelica asked in a playful tone.

John shrugged. "It doesn't really mean anything."

"Bullshit. All of your tattoos mean something, I can tell." Angie's gaze went from the tattoo to straight into John's eyes. The piercing look she gave him was so intimidating that John shuddered slightly.

"Fine. There's this gu- girl.. I'm dating-ish. We're like-" Before John could continue, Angelica quickly cut him off.

"Guy?!" She squealed. "Good for you John, I knew you'd come to terms with your sexuality eventually!"

John's eyes darted around the nearly empty shop nervously. "Keep your voice down, Ange. I don't want this getting out.. y'know... cuz of..."

"Yeah." Angelica nodded solemnly.

One night, after Angie had given John a tattoo (A small silhouette of a bird on his ankle. Man, he really had a thing for animal tattoos didn't he?), he'd invited her out for drinks. He'd just been looking to hook up to distract himself from the current mess his life was, but after one too many beers and one too many nosy questions, he ended up spilling his guts to Angelica about all his life problems, especially the ones relating to his dad. She was very understanding and even gave him some pretty good advice. Of course, he couldn't really remember any of the advice since he was pretty wasted that night.

"Thanks. Anyways, there's this guy and my coworker always calls him 'little lion' and I thought that was kinda fucking cute so yeah.. a lion." John looked at the tattoo again in a small, black hand mirror.

"Aww. That's cute. So you're really into him, huh?"

"Yeah, but... y'know, I kinda just fucked up a little... ok, a lot. That's why I'm here when I'm supposed to slinging coffee at suburban white moms with way too many wrong opinions."

"So, what happened?" But that of course, was too direct of a question for John to answer. After a bunch of yes or no questions, Angelica coaxed the story out of John about how exactly he had 'fucked up a lot.'

"Damn, Laurens. You better go apologize to Alexander so you don't end up regretting that tattoo. And for future reference, if you want to be in a relationship with someone, maybe actually be nice to them and y'know... don't slap their friends."

"Noted." John sighed. "Well, I should probably go... do something. I dunno, I just wanna see Alex.. but he probably doesn't wanna see me."

"You should text him."

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