Overdramatic (XV)

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"Well..." John began. "It went kind of.. horribly."

"What?!" Alex forgot about wanting to hug his boyfri- fri- ...John. "What did you say?"

"Ok, so, I walked in on them making out and shoving each other's faces full of macarons which is hella weird, so I was going to leave, but then they saw me. Laff got all mad and was like," John put on a 'French' accent, "Vat are zoo doing een here? Vee aren't vour freends!"

Alex snickered at the awful accent and John rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I was like, 'I came in here to-' but then Hercules just had to cut me off and be all like, 'To what? Tell us to fuck off again? Not interested man. Actually, you should fuck off and go snog a pig.'"

"That doesn't really sound like Hercules" Alex piped up.

"I never said it was a direct quote." John shrugged. "So then I was like, 'Dude, I was just gonna say I'm sorry.' And Laff cackled like a wacko and threw a macaron at me. So then we all started yelling and there's a small possibility I...slapped Hercules."

Alex spit out the black coffee that he had just taken a sip of. "You what?!"

"Yeah.. not my smartest move. There's also a small possibility I'm not allowed to come back here for a week." John rolled his eyes again and his nostrils flared, "But it's not my fault! Hercules was all up in my face being a total dick and Lafayette was screaming at me in French! What was I meant to do?" (Do do do SORRY NOT SORRY BOUT WHAT I SAID- ahem- sorry)

"Oh, gee, I dunno, maybe... leave the damn kitchen?" Alexander groaned.

"Don't you go acting a dick to me too! Ugh! I tried to apologize and it didn't work, just like this isn't going to work!" He gestured between him and Alex, furiously tore off his apron, and stormed out of the store.

Alex stared at the door John had just slammed shut.

"What the fuck...?" He mumbled.

Everything had gone from a 0 to 100 real quick that it took him a few minutes to even process what had happened. He ignored the stares from every customer in the room, slowly bent down, picked up John's apron, and walked into the kitchen.


John had no idea what had just happened. Well, he did, but he had no idea why it had happened. Why had he overreacted so much?

He hopped on his motorcycle and thought about how only a few hours ago Alex had ridden on it with him to work. Oh how he wished for Alex's arms to be around him at this moment. How he wished he could go back in time and erase the last few minutes.

It wasn't like Alex actually thought whatever was going on with them was over.. right? He knew it was just the heat of the moment...


John scoffed and shoved on his motorcycle helmet. Whatever. He was better off without Alex anyway. That asshole had tried to turn him gay. Well, that was not going to work. From now on, John Laurens would be straight. He revved up his engine and sped out of the coffee shop parking lot.

Hold on. John couldn't be straight. He had just come to terms with his sexuality, and he was really going to let a little stupid argument that escalated way too quickly ruin all of that?

Maybe he should! He was better off as heterosexual anyway!

No he wasn't. He was better off with Alex.

No he wasn't! He'd never officially broken up with Alexandra anyway. Maybe he could fix that relationship.

But he knew his heart wasn't in that idea.

He rounded a corner and parked in front of his favorite tattoo shop. Time to act like everything was ok and like getting this tattoo wasn't a bizarre coping mechanism.


Alex clutched John's apron to his chest and slid down the wall beside the door. Laff and Herc stared at him for a moment before leaping into action.

"I am so sorry, mon ami. We heard what happened."

"Yeah. Man, John sucks."

Alex sniffed. "Maybe he does..." But he didn't sound totally convinced.

"He most certainly does." Lafayette sat down beside Alex and wrapped a long arm around him. "He is not worth all ze pain he causes you."

Alexander hid his head in his hands. "But I-I thought he was changing. And everything was so sudden it seemed to come out of nowhere! It's just... jeez, I thought he was done with the ridiculous asshole act."

"Maybe it's not an act." Herc said darkly. "He's worked here for almost a year and we thought finally you'd be the one to finally change him. But he's still an asshole. I mean, maybe it was an act at first, but now, I think that's just who he is."

Alex shot up from where he was sitting. "But he has a good reason to be that way, and inside I know he's still a good person! I've seen a soft side of him that even you, his supposed friend, has never seen! Maybe you're forcing him to be an asshole!"

"Petit lion, calm down! Do not take out your anger on us! Maybe Hercy is right, maybe he's wrong! But-"

"I'm going to go find him."

"Alex," Laf protested "You literally just fought only a few minutes ago. Zat is ridiculous! Give it some time. An hour, at least."

"No, I've made up my mind." And with that, Alex ripped off his apron in a similar fashion to John and stalked out of the coffee shop.

"Merde. Maybe I should just fire those two to get all ze drama ze hell out of zis shop."

Herc put his arm around his boyfriend. "Maybe you should."

To be continued...

A/N: Angst! Hopefully it didn't feel too rushed, I tried my hardest to pace it as well as I could. Anyways, toodles!

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