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Scott POV

Staying under a house made up of wood and clay isn't bad for a few days but staying under it for almost or a month already and various supernatural beings are trying to test its limits with training and a hell-bent hunter trying to provoke any pack member, is not okay for both the house and the sanity of the calm members of the pack.

The once neat looking wooden cabin looked broken and unstable with plywoods trying to hold together pieces of wood or trying to cover holes in the wall. The glass windows are taken down due to a certain hunter and temperamental pack members being involved to a fight.

Good thing that the only human in the pack is missing during those days and was needed by his father or was ordered by Red to do some research or his own bidding.

Today with the afternoon sun shining so brightly above the cabin once again and new holes wanting to let the roof crash down, I wouldn't be surprised when the cabin will crumble down now.

Looking at the state of the house, I deeply let out an exhausted sigh and continue eating the healthy meal in front of me.

"Can I have more meat?" Red asked to the only person isn't eating and busy grilling pieces of meat for the whole pack.

"I don't know," Answered Stiles, as he flipped a piece of pork belly and removed a beef sirloin from the grill to the plate beside him, "you have legs to begin with and are functional at the same time. So, maybe you do can get meat here."

"You are trying to outsmart me again." Red stated as he stood up and went to the grill then stabbed a thick piece of the beef sirloin. "But since you are cooking and cooks mustn't be offended while on duty since they can put poison and other things in the meal, I will let this slide and grab an another piece of this marinated meat in front of me."

"You already got like 5 pieces of those meat!" Liam exclaimed as he try to bite of the meat from the pork ribs.

"To be exact its 6 already." Stiles corrected as he flipped another piece of beef sirloin on the grill and wiped his sweat off of his forehead with his sleeves. "He is a greedy bitch."

"Um, excuse me," Red looked at Stiles and sounded a little offended. "I can hear you and I am right beside you."

"That's the point," Stiles ignores the tone as he fan the charcoals and the pieces of meat. "it is really meant to be heard by you."

"Why won't you eat with us Stiles?" Lydia interfere the growing and soon to be a fist fight between the hunter and the human if not interrupted.

"I'll finish the grilling the meat before joining." Stiles looked back at Lydia and eyed the salad and other healthy foods being close to untouched on the table. "Enjoy the salad and the stir-fried vegetables on the table."

"Aww... Look at that," Red started to taunt Stiles as he grabbed a grilled pork belly from the plate. "Your girlfriend is worried about you. Why don't you go there and grab a plate to feed the monstrous belly of yours."

"I won't let you hold the grill," Stiles pulled the tongs away from Red's reach and gave him a stink eye. "I won't let an explosion happen again in my kitchen or any of my cooking machines."

"Come on, Stiles." Red tried to get the tongs but was prevented by a slap on the hand from Stiles. "It was only one time! The pack and I are hungry that time and we wanted to eat some of the deer's meat from the night hunt."

"And then you," Stiles started to rebut as he tried to punch Red in the stomach but Red easily step aside from the assault. "try to burn half of the cabin with your actions. You almost made us live under the trees that night."

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