Chapter 4

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I closed the door behind me, what's going on here? I felt sick. Who is this Miriam? Why is Olalla crying? Why did Sergio just disappear like that? So many questions are dancing around my head right now. I don't think I could handle all of this especially after our 0-5 lose against Real Madrid.

I went to the bathroom to get a shower, I felt so exhausted right now. I think I spent hours in the shower just thinking about what happened earlier tonight until someone knocked on the door. That must be Olalla. A big smile appeared on my face. But in my disappointment it wasn't Olalla it was my neighbor Mrs. Henderson who was stearing at me, her face got so white that you'd think that she was a ghost! She throw a towel to me and started screaming. She ran downstairs. "FERNANDO who opens the door naked? Put the towel on now!" I could hear her screaming and laughing downstairs. Oh my god am I naked? I just stood there and looked at myself in the mirror and brust out laughing.

I went downstairs with the towel she gave me around my waist. Mrs. Henderson sat in the kitchen and was making dinner. "Hi Kelly"

"Hi Fernando, I want to talk to you about something important while we're eating" Important, what could that be? She made dinner, hell yes! I'm starving. "Sure, thank you for cooking Kelly. You didn't have to"

"I would do anything for you. By the way where is Olalla?" Oh my god, where is Olalla? I ran upstairs to look for her. In my surprise the bedroom door was open. I went inside to look for her but she wasn't there. But there was a note on the bed:

"Hi Fernando.

I'm really sorry for what happened tonight. But I don't think I'm ready to tell you everything that I've gone throw these past months. I don't deserve a great guy like you. I'm staying at a friend’s house. I love you Fernando, thank you for everything!"


Kelly told about me everything about Olalla seeing another man these last month. She described him as short and hot (Girls girls....). He has grey eyes. In my mind he didn't look like anyone I knew, that's a good sign then. I could kill him and rip his heart out without regretting anything. Hell yes I'm a good thinker. Kelly said that she tough that he's a friend of mine, he's clearly not and won't ever be. Until she saw them making out outside our door. Asshole -.-

By the way she said something about that guy who's my girl is cheating with is a close friend to Sergio.

What the f*ck Sergio? Is that why she was talking to him? I bet this Miriam chick doesn't even exist. Maybe he was using me just to talk to Olalla about the asshole.

Kelly left an hour ago, she is great woman and I'm so happy she told me all of this. But there are some parts I didn't want to hear. I feel so sick to my stomach, does my baby hate me? We've been together now for 4 years and she's always told that she's the luckiest girl on earth to have a boyfriend like me. Is my baby unhappy? Is she okay? Where is she? Oh god my brain is going to explode, why does all of this happened to me?

I was talking to myself for hours finding excuses for why Olalla was gone. I'm not me without her. I fell asleep on the couch 5:30am.


I heard someone knocking on the door before I even realized I was awake. That someone must tell me something important or I'll kill him/her for waking me up. I could barley see anything, I've huge bags under my eyes. I was up late yesterday, if you ask me yesterdays feels like years ago. I miss Olalla like hell, where is she? :(

I sat up and slowly made my way to the door. I opened the door and guess who were standing there? :O

Thaanks for reading! Please Vote and Comment you guys are amazing, Thaanks // Zamzam B xxx

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