Chapter 6

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One week had passed since Olalla died. Sergio had been by my side all the time. All of my friends and my family have supported me and helped me go throw all of this.

Today was Olalla’s funeral. Everyone was here to support me that made me really happy.

I was fighting the tears when they buried Olalla, I don't know if I'll ever get over her. When the funeral was over I invited everyone to my place. They ate the food that Mum and Kelly made. They bought me a lot of presents and everyone was just being really nice to me. I was a little of people telling me that they're feeling sorry for me. Because that made me miss Olalla even more.

2 hours later:

Everyone left except mum. I closed the door behind me and I heard my mother crying in the kitchen. No please let her be okay, I can't handle losing anyone else right now! I saw mom reading a note. "Mum, why are you crying, is everything okay?" My eyes were fixed on the letter that she was reading. Is that the letter that Olalla gave me? I made my way to mum to see what she was reading. Without even trying to ask her she handed me the letter "Here baby! I think you're ready to read it now! I'll leave you alone so you'd read it for yourself". She kissed me on the check and left without waiting for me to respond. She left the letter on the table. Am I ready to read it? I could barley breath and I was shaking, this was it! I took the letter and started riding it:

"Hi baby!

I'm really sorry for everything you know that I love you to death, that's why I'm telling you this. I've meet another man that makes me really happy. He's been there for me when I nodded him. He became like a brother to me but things started to change. I told him that I just wanted us to be friends but at the end I was the one that couldn't just be a friend anymore. He was just the perfect one for me. I'm so sorry for writing things that makes you brokenhearted but I just need you to read this Fernando please!

Turn the page Fernando, please!"

Oh god I don't know if I dare to turn the page. I couldn't fight the tears back anymore. I felt helpless and destroyed. How could she? How could she do this to me? She knows that I wouldn't even look at another girl because I love her so much. I could feel the tears running down fairly. My hands was shaking, come on Fernando I can do this! I turn the page and started reading:

"Thank you for turning the page Fernando! I just wanted to tell you that Sergio and my "boyfriend" used to be really close friends but when Sergio moved to Madrid they lost contact. Please don't hate on Sergio he really didn't know that you and I were together. I told him that you and I were just friends. But the night he came over to our house he got really mad at me for cheating on you. He told me that he never wanted to meet me again because he didn't want to see you get hurt. That's why I cried because I knew that Sergio was right. I'm an awful person; you're just to die for Fernando. I swear every woman on earth would want to marry you if they got the chance.

So when you went to bathroom I packed my things and sneaked out. Because I knew that Kelly was going to tell you about me and my "boyfriend". That bitch is so freaking annoying; she always tells you everything about me! Well I stayed at my boyfriend’s house the whole time I was gone. And crazy things started to happened, when I told him about being together with you and being pregnant he got really pissed off"

What she was pregnant? Omg this is too much for me! Was it mine or that assholes child? Oh I can't read it anymore. The tears ran down my checks. How on earth could this happen? I was speechless, how could she feel so comfortable writing this? What have happened to the real Olalla I used to know? She's gone forever :(

I just couldn't read it anymore!

I made a fire and throw the letter in it! I could see the paper changing color and starting to disappear. I just couldn't finish the letter. It was too painful. I literally saw the love of my life take her life in front of me then reading this?! This is too much; I seriously need someone to talk to.

I called Sergio but he didn't answer so it went to voicemail: "Hi Sergio, its Fernando. I really need someone to talk to, call me when you see this. Bye”

Sergio's POV

I could hear my phone ringing from the living room but I seriously didn't care about that I was too busy playing "Call of Duty" with Arbeloa. Until Arbeloa paused the game. "Sergio, I'm starving! Do you have any food in the fridge or should we order take out?"

"Yeah I've food dummy, I'm a master chef didn't you know that?"

"Jjeje you have a lot of skills mister! So what are we going to eat, Mister top chef?"

"Paella. Well I love that name, you should me that more often Arbe."

"Jejeje sure dork!" Arbe went to the kitchen to warm up our food. He came back with the food and my cell phone. "Hey, haven't your mum taught you that you don't just take peoples cell phones without asking for their permission?" Arbe just looked at me a little choked but ended up on the floor laughing his ass off! "Sorry Sergio bear, someone by the name Nando called you an hour ago!" He was still laughing at me, what a dork.

"Sergio bear? What happened to Mister top chef? Nando called me an hour ago?"

He was still laughing his ass off but he just nodded in agreement. "Hey Arbe I've to go to Nando's place right now. He really needs me, please!"

"Yeah sure! But just on one condition."

"Ohh what could that be Arbe?" Arbeloa could just be so crazy sometimes, lol!

"I can stay and eat your food and when I'm done I can go."

"Deal, but hey you've to pinky swear first!"

"Haha! You're such a girl sometimes Sergio bear. I pinky wear that when I'm done eating my food I'll go home."

"And after that?"

"Before I'll go I'm going to do the washes."

"Haha! Wow you just know me to well, bye Arbe!"

I went upstairs to get a little dressed up because right now I was just wearing boxers. I ended up wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

I went downstairs to grab my keys but I couldn't find them. I could hear sounds of keys moving. I looked up and yeah there was the most annoying Arbeloa standing. "Missing something, Sergio bear?" He even laughed at his own jokes, what a guy! I still can't believe that he's one of my coolest friends?!

"Haha eyy I'm not like Raul okay! Give me my keys Arbe, I've to go."

"Jejeje Sergio bear, drive safe and call me when you get home late so I can win you."

"I'll Arbe, okay bye!"

It took almost 20 minutes to drive to Nando’s place. I hope he's okay!

I parked the car outside his house, before I even got out of my car I looked around to see if some paparazzi were here. Because I really didn't want Nando to have an even worse day. The coast was clear. No one was there so I made my way to the door. Gosh I didn't call him and said that I was coming! Lol what a dummy I am. Maybe he's busy or something and I'll disturb him. When I was about to knock on the door Nando opened it and I could see on his face that he'd been crying a lot. I leant forward and hugged him. He hugged me back so hard that my back was hurting, but that didn't matter to me at all. I just couldn't stand seeing him sad. I broke the hug and took a step back so I could see Nando face. He looked so sad, I didn't know what to do or say. "Hey Nando, can I come in?" he just stood there and started laughing at me. Wow I'm not that funny but at least he's smiling. "Yeah of course you can."

I went inside. I could feel the smell of something but I couldn't figure out what it was. Because I've had a cold this past days. So I just sat on the couch waiting for Nando to come, but he didn't. "Nando where are you?" I felt a little scared because 5 min have passed now and he still hasn’t showed up. I made my way to the doorway to see if Nando was there and yeah he actually was there. But he was on the floor crying. I sat down next to him quickly and rubbed my hand ageist his back. "Nando what've happened? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I read the letter Sergio. I read the letter!" he brust out in tears. I just sat there feeling so helpless. What should I do?

Thaanks for reading! I'll upload Chapter 7 next week, because I want it to be long and I've school! Please Vote & Comment!

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