Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Over 1.000 have read my story and omg that makes me so damm happy! A thing that all of you guys forget is to vote or comment. Please do it because otherwise I won't devolpe. And I really want to do that + I love to write. Aww do it for me. Thanks for reading, love you all xx

Pic of Sernando ----->

Nando's POV

I arrived at Starbucks late because I was at home packing. I hope that Sergio is still there.
I went inside to see if he was there but he wasn't. I made my way to the waiter to ask him a few questions but he was quicker.

"Hello sir, what can I help you with?"

"Hey! I was going to meet my friend here and I was just wondering if you've seen him?"

"How does he look like, sir?"

"He's a bit taller than me, he's long brown hair & he loves chocolate smoothies."

"Oh yeah I know who you're talking about."

"When did he left?"

"He left for 10 minutes ago, sir. That's all I know, sorry."

"It's okay. Thank you for the information. I really appriciate it"


Oh sh*t this cannot be true. 10 minutes late and he’s gone, man this is crazy. I bet Sergio never wants to see me again. I won’t be suprised if he secretly hates me right now because I’m an ass. But I really NEED to talk to him right now, because this is SUPER important.

I really understand that Sergio doesn’t want to talk to me right now because I really need to make a great decision. And if he doesn’t help me he’s the one that I’ve to leave, and yeah that’s maybe the worst thing ever.

I really need to get me and my big ego to Sergio’s place. Because man I need to explain a whole lot of things, RIP FERNANDO TORRES. Ha-ha, I’m a hot mess.

I took my car and hit the road. Gosh I really need to hurry up before he decides to never even look at me. Well a little One Direction on the highest volume never makes anyone sad.

“I used to think that I was better alone

Why did I ever wanna let you go?

Under the moon light as we stared at the sea

The words you whispered I’ll always believe

I want you to ROCK ME, ROCK ME, and ROCK ME

Yeaah, I want you to hit THE PEDAL HEAVE MEDEL, show me you care”

Yeah I know what you guys are thinking: Fernando freaking Torres is a directioner. Ha-ha chill out folks it’s not like the end of the world right now. But we this fandom is crazy. And listening to 1D makes me happier.

Before I even could put the finger on it I was outside Sergio’s door. I really hope he doesn’t hate me and that he’s ready to listen to what I need to tell him. Ooh god please forgive me. I knocked on the door.

There he was glaring at me with his hazel brown eyes and just waiting for me to say something, but I just couldn’t.

“Well, Nando what do you want? I could see how his jaw tightened a bit, wow Sergio is angry. That man over there with the attidude there isn’t Sergio. Oh god what have I done to him? ‘Gosh I’m such a horrible person’ “Sergio, I need to talk to you. Can you please let me in?” Please say yes, god I'm dying over here. "Yes, step in side" Wow still must be hard for him, but I'm sohappy that he said yes (no denying).

 We sat on the couch in the living room together like we always does but this time he sat on the one infront of me. I could feel his anger towards me but I just ignored it. I know that he’ll forgive me one day and he’ll understand that I’m doing this for my best. I can’t just think about everyone around me all the time. I need to start caring about myself. That’s why I’m doing this.

He cleared this throat to get my attention. ‘I was daydreaming again wasn’t I?’ “Sergio I need to tell you something.” I looked up towards Sergio. Ours eyes met for the second time since I came here. “What do you want to tell me?” His face expression went for confused to serious. The look he gave me could literally kill.

“I’m- eh... eh- I’m mo….” I couldn’t get the words out. Fuck this. Why does this have to be so hard? “Spit it out Nando”. Now I feel like digging my own grave and just lay there for the rest of my life, because that’s maybe what Sergio is thinking about right now. That glare is unreadable.

“I’m moving to England” I literally just said that out load and I actually felt happy afterwards. My body felt relieved. I was about to pass out when my eyes met Sergio’s.

Oh god he’s even angrier right now, man I’ve messed up. He stood up from his seat and started to go around in circles. That was maybe the worst five minutes in my life because I thought Sergio never wanted to talk to me but here he is sitting next to me and pulling me into the largest hug.

I cannot breathe right now because Sergio is seriously killing me with his hugging, but whatever my best friend is back and doesn’t hate me.

“Nando, why didn’t you tell me this earlier? I was so worried about you. He let go of my easily and waited for me to answer him. “Because the deal and everything wasn’t done yet. But I got the new this morning.” I’m not lying or anything this is a 100% true.

“Which team are you going to start playing for?” A half smile planted on Sergio’s face, is this seriously happending right now? Is he being happy for me?

“Liverpool FC” I think I had like the biggest smile ever on my face. Knowing that your best friend you thought you’d lose for like five minutes ago before telling him about this is happy for you.

‘Heeeeeeeeeeeey happy Nando

Op op op op Oppa Nando Style’

“Nando, as much as it kills/hurts me to say this I’ll help you pack all of your stuff and help you find a place in Liverpool and everything. Liverpool is a great club with an amazing history; you can’t just ignore this deal for anyone…” Wow I was truly not expecting that at all but oh my god I’ve the most incredible best friend ever.

“… I’ll always be there for you. For no matter what happens you can always count on me. I want all the best for you, and you know that. I’m willing to let you go but ha-ha don’t you dare replace me with anyone” I started to laugh and cry at the same time.

Gosh I’m going to miss my best friend like hell.

“I love you Sergio. Thank you for everything without you I’d be…”

“Aww shh stop crying Nando, everything will be fine I promise. Love you too”



Hi guys. I've change the story a bit so don't tell me I didn't warn you. Don't forget to  VOTE VOTE VOTE & COMMENT! Love ya all xx

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