Chapter 7

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Hi guys! I'm so sorry for letting you guys wait so long for this chapter. I've been so busy with school and life. My network has had his ups and downs. And I've actually missed writing. Over 650 people have read my story and I'm feeling so happy wow thank you! Now I'm officially back and I'll start posting again. Thanks for your patient.


Still Sergio's POV

Nando told me everything about the letter. He was heartbroken and that made me so sad. He even told me that he didn't read the whole letter because he just couldn't handle anymore. He'd probably cried the whole day and thank god that all of this crying is over now.


I’ve gone 2 months since that day. Nando is better but he's still weak. Heave started to drink a lot. He isn't himself right now and he haven't been that for a while now. I really miss the old, sweet and adorable Fernando.

I'm not saying that I hate him or dislike him. I just can't recognize him anymore. I've offered everything for Nando this past months and doesn't even give a she*t about me. I get so mad sometimes but what can I do? He's my best friend and I love him so much. I know that he've gone too much but there's limits. And he's so crossed it.

He never came home yesterday and he doesn't even answer when I call. Yeah I know that he's a man and that he can take care of himself but this Nando we're talking about. He pretends to be this badass that can do whatever he does and that he's always happy but he isn't. I know Nando super well and that isn't him. Not even close.

I moved to Nandos neighborhood last month so I live at the house across the street from Nando's house. I did it because he really needs my help and I'm not letting him go the wrong way. He doesn't deserve that.

Thank god that he still plays football because he really have passion for that and he's really good. As a defender I know how good he is. I hope he's going to continue in Athletic Madrid and not move to another club, because I've heard a lot of rumors around Nando.

I read in Marca, a Spanish football magazine that Nando is close to a move to Liverpool, England. And I really hope that all of this is fake because otherwise Nando would tell me. Wouldn't he? He's my best friend so I bet all of this is fake because he hasn’t told me anything.

I actually miss the "old" Nando; yeah I've Olalla to blame for that. And I actually didn't know her so much. I didn't even know that she was Nando's wife. I've another best friend named Jesus Navas, he and I grew up together in Sevilla but I left Sevilla 2 years ago. We still have contact but not the same as earlier.

Yeah I know what you guys are thinking. He's the one who Olalla cheated with. And omg this makes me so confused because Jesus didn't know that Olalla was with Nando and Nando didn't know that Olalla was with Jesus. Yeah and now I'm in the middle of everything. Jesus is as sad as Nando right now and I've to help both of them but they don't want to talk to each other. Not even throw text messages, yeah I know its lame but this is super serious. Jesus brooked Olalla’s heart and that's why she killed herself, so yeah imagine what Nando is going throw right now. HELL!


Its 4: pm and Nando is still not home. Where is he? He hasn’t even listened to any of my voicemails. I'm so worried about him doesn't he understand that. Uhh I'm in shock. THIS ISN'T NANDO.

My phone started to ring but I wasn't in the mood to answer it so I just let it leave to voicemail:

"Hi Sergio. It's Fernando. Sorry for being an ass around you, you don't deserve this attitude. You've been there for me this past 2 months and I really appreciate that with all my heart. Thank you so much, I really hope that I can make it up to you because you really need a break from my drama. Sorry for letting you get so worried and angry, I didn't do it on peruse and you know that. I love you. Call me after you receive this."

Well that was very thoughtful and I appreciate his forgiveness. This is why I love him. I called him right away.


"Am I not even getting a hi? I'm good thanks"

"Nando this is serious, where are you?"

"Chill out Sergio, I'm at a friend's place"

"A friend? Who's your friend?"

"What's up with all this questions? Have I done something illegal?"

"Nando who's your friend?"

"Sergio Agüero, why?"

"Say that then! God I'm so worried about you! Why didn't you answer any of my texts or calls?"

"Because I've something I need to tell you and I couldn't tell you yesterday. I'm so sorry okey"

"What do you need to tell me that you couldn't yesterday?"

"I want to tell you that in person, so can we meet up at Starbucks in 10 minutes?"

"Yeah sure, see ya"


I didn't hang up right away because I could Nando in the background crying. Seriously what have happened to him? He scares me.

I ordered chocolate smoothies to both of us, but Nando didn't show up. I waited for him for 10 minutes and he still hadn't come. I called him but he didn't answer. I can't believe that he did this to me!

I paid for the smoothies and left. God I'm so mad at Nando right now.


Sorry for the delay. My phone crashed and everything disappeared. But yeah here is it. I wrote it in like 1 and a half hour. I really hope you guys like it. I don't know if its long but I hope it is. Please vote & comment. Love you all xxx

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