Part 1

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I look at myself in the mirror with nothing but disgust. My eyes bloodshot red from all the crying, my throat numb from all the yelling and sobbing.

My hair was a wreck from pulling it, and my knuckles sore from punching the wall multiple times.

I've never felt so disappointed in my life until today. Why did I trust him?

You're so pathetic. I thought to myself. I felt so much pain, I couldn't take. The thought of grabbing a knife and cutting my wrists had entered my brain. 

I move my thoughts away from the knife thought and think of another way to do what I wanted to do. The more I thought about it, the more I realized what would work.

I walk over to my cabinets, hesitantly. I slowly open one of the cabinets and grab one of the containers.

Though, I knew this was wrong, that wasn't what was stopping me. I know how much he'd hate this, but I didn't care anymore. He doesn't love me, so why would he care?

Do it.

Slowly, I opened the container, grabbing exactly what I needed, to end everything.

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