Part 25

472 31 3

Quick a/n: pov's switch a lot. aaaaaandddd, it's long


I quickly put my hand over my mouth and turn to face Zach cautiously.

"Ha!" Daniel laughs. "She—" Zach turns to face Daniel and Daniel stops talking.

Zach glances at me. Clearing his throat, he mumbles, "I guess..."

I look down, awkward and somehow ashamed. "I didn't mean it..." Yes you did. "I'm sorry," I say in a low voice. No you're not.

He shrugs. "I don't care what you call her," he says laughing. I look at him strangely. Something about his laugh was off, as if he overdid it, forced it even.


He then grabs my hand and intertwines it with his. "You look stunning tonight," he says glancing at me. He kisses the back of my hand while we're at a red light and I smile. When the light turns green, he throws a quick smile at me and looks back into the road.

"Thank you, babe," I say with a smile. "You look good yourself," I say in a confident tone. More like hot. For some reason, I got comfortable with calling him babe or baby; I don't get nervous anymore to say it.

Daniel makes a fake gagging noise and Zach ignores it, saying, "Thanks, baby."

Daniel groans in the back, getting my attention. I turn to look at Daniel in the back seat, but he doesn't notice. He's looking at Zach with narrow eyes, curiously. It looked as if he didn't expect Zach to act this way.

I look back at him and say, "You're welcome," while thinking to myself.

The rest of the car ride was awkward; Zach was driving in silence, Daniel was on his phone and doing who-knows-what, and I was just looking out my window awkwardly. I don't know if it was just me, but it felt like there's tension in the car. But why would there be tension?

My phone vibrates in my purse distracting me from my thoughts. As I'm opening my purse, my phone vibrates again. I finally grab it and see the notifications on my screen:

[viaaa.mooreee] seaveydaniel started following you

[viaaa.mooreee] seaveydaniel wants to send you a message

I look at my screen confused. How did he find my Instagram? I slide the notification to the right, opening the chat.


hey :)

um, dude, uk we're in
the same car, right?

ik. btw, u look cute
tn ;)

ummm, thanks ig... but...
u shouldn't tell me that...

and why's that? ;)

i'm w zach


he's ur bsf and i'm his gf
and ur flirting with me.

ik, smh

why? it's wrong to do that

oh, via... if only u

what's that supposed to

nun, nvm.

no, tell me


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