Part 28

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"Thanks again for doing this," I say to Harley as I hand her the bag of Dean's food. "I'm sorry for the late notice..."

Harley grabs Dean's food from my hand. "It's okay," she says with a smile, "I don't mind."

I smile, too. "You're the best, bro."

She chuckles. "I know," she says making me chuckle too. She suddenly gets serious. "So... you, Zach, and a beach house. Alone," she says with a wink.

I blush and look down awkwardly. "Uh, yeah," I say with an awkward smile. "For our One Month."

She smirks at me and wiggles her eyebrows. "Oh?" she teases.

I roll my eyes. "Shut up," I say laughing.

She laughs. "So, how did that poem work out?" she asks curiously.

I blush again. "Well," I start. "honestly, I think it came out perfect," I finish with a smile.

She nods, impressed. "When are you gonna give it to him?"

I think about it. "Um... maybe on our last day there?" I suggest. I turn around to look at Zach through the window of his car; he's on his phone, texting someone.

"Yeah," Harley shrugs, "that seems like a good time, I think."

I turn my attention back to her. "Or should I give it to him on Monday? The real day of our One Month?"

Harley shrugs again. "Doesn't really matter."

I sigh. "I don't know..." I look down with a frown.

"Via," she says gaining my attention. "Just give it to him when the time is right. Whether it's on your One Month or not."

I bite my lip. "But how will I know--?" I start but get cut off by Harley.

"Trust me, Via; you'll know," she says with a reassuring smile.

I smile, too. "Thanks, Harls," I say softly.

"You're welcome," she says softly. She then gets off the doorstep and pushes me softly. "Now go," she orders. "Go have fun with your boyfriend."

I smile and nod. "Love you," I say turning to leave. "Bye." I start to walk away from her and walk towards Zach's car. 

"Love you, too," I hear her say behind me. As I walk towards Zach's car, I stop in my tracks, turning to face Harley with soft eyes. 

I jog over to her and engulf her in a hug. "Thank you for this. I love you so much," I say into her shoulder.

She chuckles and returns the hug. "You're welcome. And I love you too." We both pull away from the hug with smiles on our faces. She then places a fist on my shoulder. "Now seriously, go," she demands.

I laugh. "Okay, okay. I'm going," I say getting out of her arms. "Bye," I say before walking towards Zach's car. "Take care of Dean for me!" I shout as I open the passenger door.

"I will!" she shouts back.


The beach house is about an hour and a half away from LA. This means I'll have to come up with a subject that'll keep Liv occupied for more than an hour. The problem is, what exactly shall I talk about?

She's on her phone right now, so that should give me at least 10 free minutes to think about the topic. Besides, it is kind of late, so she should fall asleep soon.

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