Part 34

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The wind blew through the loose hairs of my messy bun as my head sticks out the carriage window and I study the city. We've been strolling through the city for quite a while now, and I must say, it's quite beautiful here, or at least the part of town we're in. 

Zach leans near me and rubs his nose against the corner of my jaw, planting a quick kiss. He pulls away, only to plant another kiss on my neck. "Are you having a good time so far?" he murmurs against my skin.

I close my eyes for a brief second and exhale a loud breath. "Yes," I admit, "It's cool to explore this city."

He hums, brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, considering the wind through my messy bun, making it messier. "The fun has just begun." And as soon as those words leave his mouth, the carriage comes to a stop. 

I look outside the window, and we're parked in front of a flower shop, surrounded by a few other shops. "Hm?"

"Thanks, Nigel," Zach says, looking into the front window that gives us access to the driver, "We won't be long." Zach opens the carriage door, exiting the carriage and turns to me, offering his hand for me to take.

I take his hand, and he helps me down the steps and onto the sidewalk. Already having my hand in his, he intertwines our fingers, and leads me to the entrance of the flower shop.

Once we're in the shop, he turns to me with a grin. "Follow me," he instructs, beginning to lead me in deeper.

A voice stops us. "Hello, there!" she says, stopping us in our tracks. It's the lady at the front desk; the lady who has her shift of the day. "Uh... can I help you?" she asks kindly, "Is there anything in particular that you would like?" She looks over between Zach and I.

Zach stops, turning to face the lady with a smile. "No, thank you." He chuckles. "Um... I already know what I want; I called earlier, in the morning," he explains.

"Ohh." She nods. "I see. Well then, don't mind me, carry on," she says, sending a smile at Zach, then sending me one.

Zach forces a smile back. "Thanks," he murmurs, grabbing ahold of my hand and leading me into the back of the store.

"That was funny," I whisper to him with a giggle.

He hums a laugh. "Whatever," he mutters sarcastically. "Anyways," he says letting go of my hand, "It's time, time to find your flowers."

I look away from the blue orchids I was admiring and turn towards Zach with furrowed eyebrows. "Wait-- what?"

He chuckles. "Livia--"

"Livia?" I question.

"Livia," he repeats, ignoring me. "One of these boquet of flowers is yours -- belongs to you," he informs, "All you have to do is find it." A mini smirk appears on his face.

"Ohh," I sing-song. "Okay, okay." I nod, smiling, amused. "Do I get any clues? To find it?"

Zach furrows his eyebrows and looks up, thinking. "I suppose I could give you a hint," he offers.

"Okay," I encourage, "Tell me! Ooh, and make it rhyme!"

He frowns. "Babe, seriously?"

"Pleeease?" I beg.

He stares at me for a long time, five long seconds, before letting out a defeated sigh. "Fine."

"Yay!" I clap my hands together as Zach thinks of a way to turn his hint into a riddle.

"On our first date," he finally says, "Many things had happened that day." He looks down, thinking. "Oh!" He smiles. "Now, in order to find me," he continues, "You'll have to remember when I-- Zach," he corrects, "-- asked you about flowers, what did you say?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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